A new mini-bulldozer developed by the IDF has emerged as the latest in a series of new ways to combat Palestinian Authority terrorism emanating from Arab cities in Gaza, Judea and Samaria.

The “Lioness” made its public debut in the pages of this week’s edition of “BaMachane,” the IDF weekly magazine. Although it looks like a cute little vehicle, the Lioness can be deadly.

Unlike its predecessor, the new bulldozer was specifically designed for counter-terrorism operations in close quarters, according to IDF Col. Amir Kochavi, who was quoted in the report.

“There are different combat requirements that we faced before,” he said, “most because of the need to carry out engineering tasks in crowded, built-up areas.”

The little bulldozer is specifically designed to zip down the narrow alleyways and streets typically found in Arab towns, clearing the way for ground troops and other security forces to follow during counter-terrorism operations. 

Previously, Israeli soldiers have had to rely on the jumbo-size bulldozers used for demolition of illegal structures and clearing security buffer zones, which can cause unintended damage to buildings along the narrow routes as IDF troops pursue terrorists.

The vehicle, which has room for only one person in the cab, is higher than it is wide, with small wheels and a black shovel in front. It also comes equipped with the ability to “destroy targets” and hold off attacks by firing in a 360-degree circle.

Until now, the safety of soldiers driving bulldozers has been compromised due to the lack of firepower available on the vehicle.