Scene of Gush Etzion terrorist attack
Scene of Gush Etzion terrorist attackGershon Elinson/Flash 90

Miriam Holaring, wife of Ebenezer Holaring who was seriously injured in Friday’s terrorist attack in Gush Etzion, on Friday asked the public to pray for his recovery.

Ebenezer, 35, was injured when he was run over by the terrorist, and was evacuated to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. He was taken for an operation shortly before Shabbat.

“I am the wife of Ebenezer who was wounded in the attack this morning,” his wife said in a short video recorded at the hospital. “His condition is very serious and I am asking everyone to pray for him, Ebenezer ben Malka.”

אשת הפצוע: "התפללו לשלומו"

Holaring, who lives in Kiryat Arba, is from the Bnei Mensahe community, Jews from India who claim descent from one of the ten lost tribes of Israel.

Another Israeli, 70-year-old David Ramati of Kiryat Arba, was also injured in the attack when the terrorist ran his vehicle into him at the Efrat South junction.

Ramati recalled the terror attack from his hospital bed on Friday, saying he just barely managed to avoid serious injury at the hands of the terrorist.

“The terrorist drove past me, then made a U-turn, and at that point I understood that he was planning to attack me,” he told Army Radio. “I realized that I didn’t have time to draw my gun, so I jumped the fence. While I was in the air [jumping the fence], he managed to run into me with his car.”

Ramati added that just before the terrorist rammed into him, the terrorist smiled at him.

“I saw the smile of the terrorist’s face. I told him ‘You’re not going to kill me today.’ I wasn’t afraid.”

(Arutz Sheva’s North American desk is keeping you updated until the start of Shabbat in New York. The time posted automatically on all Arutz Sheva articles, however, is Israeli time.)