Ambulance (Illustrative)
Ambulance (Illustrative)Flash 90

A religious soldier was attacked Sunday evening as he prayed in a synagogue in the Beit Yisrael neighborhood of Jerusalem.

The soldier, a member of the national religious community, arrived at the Beit Yisrael Shtibel Sunday night for evening prayers when he was attacked by anti-draft radicals, Kikar Hashabbat reported.

The Beit Yisrael Shtibel, located in the predominantly haredi neighborhood Beit Yisrael, near Meah Sharim, includes multiple prayer rooms, allowing locals to form impromptu prayer services at all times.

During the evening prayer services, haredi extremists assaulted the soldier and forced him to flee the synagogue and call for assistance.

While his attackers pursued him, the soldier managed to escape when an ambulance arrived at the scene.

It is unclear if the soldier any injuries during the attack.