The Palestinian Authority and the ruling Fatah faction have stepped up their campaign against "normalization" with Israel in recent months, according to a report by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW). After PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ announcement on May 19, 2020, that the PA had absolved itself from all agreements with Israel in response to Israel's plans to apply Israeli law to the Jordan Valley and the Jewish cities and towns in Judea and Samaria, official PA TV has broadcast a segment against “normalization.” In it, the PA and Fatah announce that cooperating with Israel in any way is “treason.” In the segment, Fatah official Abbas Zaki stated that anyone who cooperates with Israel “should be shot.” Another broadcast numerous times by the PA last month names as “deviant traitors” anyone who “agrees to the Jordan Valley being cut from our state." According to Palestinian Media Watch, the PA calling anyone who deals with Israel a "traitor" is not a new phenomenon. PMW has documented that whoever sells land to Jews is considered a traitor, whoever shops in an Israeli supermarket is guilty of “economic normalization” and “treason.” Senior PA official Jibril Rajoub who is the Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee, has stated that “any activity of normalization in sports with the Zionist enemy is a crime against humanity,” and that “normalization with Israel is treason.” Earlier this year, top PA official and PA Supreme Shari’ah Judge and Chairman of the Supreme Council for Shari'ah Justice, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, announced that anyone who accepts US President Trump’s Middle East peace plan “will pay the price of treason.”