MKs from Yisrael Beytenu last week filed a request with the Central Election Committee to prevent the Balad party from running in the upcoming elections. MK David Rotem filed the petition based on the party's positions in advocating the replacement of Israel with an Arab state.
Balad will be remembered as the party of former MK Azmi Bishara, who absconded several years ago after getting word that he was to be arrested for aiding Hizbullah during the Second Lebanon War in 2006.
Bishara, Israeli officials said, transmitted information to Hizbullah on targets, which the terror group used in its missile war against northern Israel. Rotem said that Balad has not disassociated itself from Bishara's traitorous actions, and for that reason alone the party should be banned.
However, in addition to its history, Balad has not changed its stripes or its policies, Rotem told the Committee, citing comments, messages, articles, and other content espoused by Balad MKs against the continue existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish, democratic state.
In addition, Rotem said, Balad has been connected with the Popular Front terror group. The party has no place in Israeli politics, Rotem told the Committee, and the sooner Balad is banished from the elections, the better.