A Reuters/Ipsos Poll released on Wednesday claims that nearly a fifth of registered Republican voters want Donald Trump to drop out of the presidential race.
19% maintain that he should drop out, 10% say that they "don't know" and 70% continue to support his candidacy. The poll reflected the views of 396 Republicans and had a confidence interval of six percentage points.
The poll reveals deep fragmentation within the Republican party over Trump's candidacy. Many Republicans are dissatisfied with his radical rhetoric and his proposals to make a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country as well as his plan to seal the US-Mexico border with a wall.
Trump has also come under scathing criticism for implying that gun-rights activists might stop Clinton's from making High court nominations. Trump's campaign spokesmen denied this, but his comments were interpreted by many as a threat of violence, which the Clinton campaign termed "dangerous" .
In the wake of last month's Democratic National Convention, Trump sparred with the parents of a Muslim U.S. soldier killed in Iraq, stating that the mother was silent because she "wasn't allowed to have anything to say", implying that she may have disagreed with her husband's criticisms of Trump.
Additionally, a large number of national security experts have stated that Trump lacks "the character values and experience" to be president and they could not endorse his candidacy.
Despite Trump's decline in the polls, Clinton's own unfavorables remain high. 53% of Americans view her unfavorably, and she has also had her fair share of controversies, including the mishandling of classified emails as Secretary of State and lingering questions over the 2012 deaths of four Americans in Benghazi.