Dr. Mordechai Kedar joined Arutz Sheva - Israel National News to speak about the recent rise in terrorism in Judea and Samaria.

"A wave of smuggling of weapons, ammunition, and explosives real explosives, produced in Iran smuggled through Iraq and Jordan, are no doubt the source of the weapons and the explosives which we see today in Judea and Samaria. The motivation comes from what they see as Israel's weakness, which is the which is the product of the demonstrations against the government. This is translated to a Jihad, which combines the ability on one side and the intention on the other."

He suggested a possible response to the execution of six hostages: "Israel should send them the message that their war is lost, and that they will never escape Gaza, that we will pursue them to the very last one."

Dr. Kedar called for a change of approach to northern Israel as well. "We can have endless war or we can have deterrence. Deterrence means that the Prime Minister should speak to the Lebanese people directly, and emphasize that if even one more shot comes from Lebanon, we will destroy Lebanon - not Hezbollah, but Lebanon. They will take that as a credible threat, and the more credible the threat the less chance we will need to use it."