NetanyahuKobi Richter/TPS

Sources in the Likud oppose the agreement between the New Right and the United Right to run together in the upcoming elections in September.

"It's a fictional union if it does not include all the parties on the right. If this is the end of the process, while the Arab parties are uniting completely, then the right-wing bloc is in danger of losing the government," the Likud stated.

"Bennett, Shaked, and Smotrich have left 5-6 seats out of the right-wing bloc. They are consciously risking the continuation of the right-wing government," the party added. "It is not too late to correct this dangerous mistake."

The party also referred to the clause in the agreement between the United Right and the New Right, according to which the integration of Otzma Yehudit would be accomplished through negotiations with Likud.

"The Likud has already exhausted its unification quota by joining Kahlon, and there will be no more Likud recruits," the party said.