Most of this is based upon information provided by the Star-K. You can obtain more information in their Passover Guide (which includes a comprehensive list of medications by Rabbi Gershon Bess, available in bookstores) or their web site ( ), and the OU ( ). According to halakhah, most medications may be taken even if they contain chametz. Similarly, soaps, detergents, ointments & lotions are halakhically permissible even if they contain chametz. However, if possible, it is preferable to use products that contain no chametz. We generally included only the main or most popular brands; do not assume that a brand that is not mentioned in this list is not acceptable. Products listed may be used without special Pesach certification unless noted otherwise. Alcohol: Any isopropyl alcohol for external use. Aluminum: All foil, disposable pans etc. Ammonia: All. Alka-Seltzer: (orig. effervescent tabs, extra strength, LemonLime) Baby Formula: [All are kitniyos, use separate utensils] Similac, Enfamil & Isomil. Baby Powder: Any not listing oat flour as an ingredient. Baby Wipes: Any without alcohol (not Shabbos-Yom Tov use). Baking Soda: All (not baking powder unless with hashgacha). Bleach: All. Blush, Rouge: All powdered. Chapstick: Orig., Classic Strawberry, Medicated, Moisturizer Charcoal Briquets: Any unflavored. Clay (modeling): may contain wheat & should be put away. Cocoa: Hershey’s Cocoa with an OU Coffee, Ground: (Unflavored, not decaf): Choc f-o Nuts, Folgers (decaf), Shop Rite, Trader Joes, Kirkland, Maxwell House. K-cups: Dunkin Donuts, Eight O’clock, Folgers, Nescafe-Taster’s Choice, Starbucks, Shoprite, Choc f-o Nuts. Coffee, Reg, Instant: Folgers, Kirkland, Maxwell House, Nescafe-Taster’s Choice (House Blend & French Roast). Coffee, Instant De-caf: Sanka (with KFP label only), Folgers. Contact Lens Solution: All. Deodorant/ Antiperspirant: Essentially, all powdered and solidstick are acceptable. Specifically: Arrid, spray (Deodorant/ Antiperspirant, cream, roll-on). Mennen: Speed Stick (Deodorant/ Antiperspirant (all), Lady Speed Stick Deodorant (all). Dental Floss, Flossers, Picks: Any unflavored (including waxed). Detergents: Cleansers: Ajax, Clorox, Fantastik, Lysol, Mr. Clean, Murphy’s, Windex. Detergents: Dishwashing: Ajax, Cascade, Dawn, Ivory, Joy, Palmolive (reg., ultra). Laundry (powdered/ pod): any OU. (liquid): Arm&Hammer, Cheer, Dreft, Dynamo, Era, Gain, Tide Face Powder: All. Fruit, Frozen: According to Star K, all frozen unsweetened additive free (no syrup, citric or ascorbic acid or vitamin C) whole, sliced, or formed fruit (e.g., sliced peaches, melon balls, cranberries). Strawberries need reliable hechsher for infestation Gloves: Rubber or latex: Without inner powder coating. Hospital disposable gloves may contain oatmeal, if so stated. Glue: Elmer's glue is okay. Hydrogen Peroxide: All. Ice: Plain water bagged ice may be used. Juices, Frozen: According to Star K, any 100% pure frozen white grapefruit or orange, without sweeteners, additives, preservatives or enrichments (e.g., calcium), is acceptable. Juices, Fresh: All fresh juices, even premium, need Pesach certification. Bottled: ReaLemon-ReaLime, (with reg. OU). Lactaid caplets: not for Pesach. Lactaid milk: buy b/f Pesach. Mineral Oil: All. Mouthwash: Scope (all), Colgate (all). Listerine (cool mint antiseptic, total care zero, ultra clean antiseptic, zero alcohol). Nail Polish / Remover: All Nuts: Raw, not roasted, blanched or ground (whole, chopped, slivered) walnuts (pecans, only whole or half and not midget), almonds or pine nuts, w/o preservatives or additives (e.g. BHT or BHA in corn oil), unless label states that it is processed in a plant that produces grain or legumes. Ointment: Neosporin, A&D, Desitin (max. str., orig. paste, multipurpose), Vaseline (orig), Vaseline intensive care. Orthodontic rubber bands: Rinse in cold water b/f Pesach. Oven Cleaners: Easy-Off. Pain Reliever: Bayer aspirin (all), children. Advil (regular, not “film coated”), PM, Cold & Sinus, tablets, caplets. Gel caplets. children susp. (all flavors). Tylenol (ex. strength, PM, caplets, reg. tabs). childrens-infants (oral susp. all). Motrin: (IB &PM coated caplets), childrens-infants susp. (all) Tums: all are kitniyos (asst. fruit 160 ct, 150 ct, Ex asst. Berries 72 ct, Sugar free 80 ct. others may be treif) Benadryl (UltraTab) Children, (chewable grape) Childrens liquid (all flavors). Paper/Plastic Disposables: — All plastic bags, wrap, cups, cutlery and plates. — All napkins, paper coffee filters and crockpot liners. — Paper plates, requre KFP, — Paper bags, cups for cold use only. Foil cup-cake holders Paper Towels: All. (First three sheets and the last sheet attached to the cardboard should not come into direct contact with food.) Parchment Paper: KFP only. Kirkland with Star K is okay Plastic Coated Paper Plates & Cups: for cold use only Play-Doh: contains chametz and should be sold. Polish: Furniture/Shoe – all. Silver: Goddards, Hagerty, Weiman. Salt: non-iodized, without dextrose or polysorbates, (Morton non-iodized salt is authorized by the OU even w/o P). Scouring Pads/Sponges/Steelwool: Any without soap. Seltzer: Any unflavored (w/o citrates). Flavored, needs KFP. Shampoo/Conditioner: Head & Shoulders (active sport, shampoo) 2 in 1. Prell (Classic Clean). Suave (tropical coconut), Suave kids (2 in 1) smoothers watermelon shampoo, conditioner (3 in 1) body wash purely-fun, shampoo, conditioner. Spices & Seasonings: All require certification. Soap, Bar: Dove Beauty Bar (all), Irish Spring (all), Soap, Liquid: Softsoap: liquid (all), Body wash (all) Shower gels. Irish Spring, body wash (all). Sugar, Granulated Cane: All pure (no dextrose added) The OU authorizes Kirkland, Trader Joe’s (even w/o P). The OK authorizes Domino. Granulated, Brown and Brownulated, only with KFP. Tablecloths: All clear plastic (non-powdered) separate before Shabbos & Yom Tov. Separate garbage bags as well. Teabags: unflavored, non-decaffeinated, non-herbal(herbal teas are not kosher for Passover unless there is a heksher) : America's Choice, Keyfood, Lipton (including decaf), Stop & Shop, Swee-Touch-Nee, Tetley. Toothpaste: Aim (all), Close up (all), Colgate (all), Pepsodent (all), Utrabrite (all). Water: Any unflavored fresh, bottled, spring or distilled (even with fluoride & minerals) if does not list citrate or zinc lactate, (5 gallon containers should be avoided). Wax Paper: Cutrite, Reynolds, Shoprite, Stop&Shop. © Rabbi B. Forst