Moshe Feiglin
Moshe FeiglinA

Moshe Feiglin, the grandfather of Sergeant Yair Levin, who was killed in the fighting in Gaza yesterday, eulogized him in an interview with Kan Reshet Bet.

"Yair was perfect. Beautiful, really the epitome of perfection. You hugged him and felt that he was strong. He trained for his service and wanted to be at the very front - and that's where he ended up," Feiglin said.

"It's a double grief - both private and of our daughter and her husband - his parents. There is meaning to all of this. We are going to win. We are not going to leave this blood spilled in vain. Yair was a great winner and we will continue to win," he added.

"My grandson and all the heroes around him are winning all the time - but right now - our leadership is turning their victory and sacrifice into a rolling loss. But we will get through this, we will replace this leadership, the leadership of the generation of confusion and great confusion with the leadership of the generation of victory," Feiglin emphasized.

Sergeant Yair Levin was a resident of the settlement of Givat Harel in Binyamin. He was a graduate of the Yeshiva in Jaffa and had previously studied at the Yeshiva in Kochav Hashachar.

The head of the Binyamin Regional Council and Chairman of the Yesha Council, Israel Ganz, eulogized him: "Yair, a handsome young man, one of our best fell today as a hero in the battles in Rafah against our wretched enemies in Gaza. He dreamed of joining the Givati Brigade, trained for it to be the best of the best in defending the people and the land and that is what he was."

"We send a big hug to his parents, his brothers and also to his grandparents Moshe and Tzipi Feiglin. We owe Yair and his friends the victory that will come and the revival of our state," Ganz added.