Benny Gantz
Benny GantzTPS

MK Benny Gantz's National Unity party continues to weaken, dropping by yet another Knesset seat, a new poll showed.

The poll, conducted by Maariv, showed that if elections were held today, the Likud party would win 22 Knesset seats, while National Unity would win 20 Knesset seats.

Third-largest in the Knesset would be Yesh Atid with 15 seats, followed by Yisrael Beytenu with 14 seats.

Otzma Yehudit, the largest of the smaller parties, is projected to win 10 Knesset seats, while Sephardic-haredi Shas and the "Democrat" party would win nine seats each.

Ashkenazic-haredi United Torah Judaism would win seven seats, while Hadash-Ta'al and Ra'am (United Arab List) would win five seats each. Religious Zionism would be the smallest party in the Knesset, with just four seats.

Neither Balad nor the National Right would pass the electoral threshold.

Divided into blocs, the current coalition parties would win 52 Knesset seats, while the center-left would win 58 seats. The remaining ten seats are held by Hadash-Ta'al and Ra'am, who traditionally do not join any government.

Asked who they believe is the bet candidate for prime minister, 41% of respondents said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the best candidate for the seat, while 40% supported MK Benny Gantz. Nineteen percent said they do not know.