Dr. Michael Wise is a founder and investor in numerous technology companies. He is a graduate of YU and holds a PhD .in Theoretical Physics from Brandeis U., is the author of Israel demography study (BESA).and has published numerous articles about Israel sovereignty and demographics in Judea and Samaria . He is an expert in mathematical modelling techniques. We propose a gradual path to sovereignty. Arab inhabitants of carefully selected areas in J&S (Judea and Samaria, the so-called 'West Bank'), such as neighborhoods in Gush Etzion, Ma’ale Adumim, Ariel, or the Jordan valley, will be offered the opportunity to apply for permanent Israel residency, as evidenced by an Israeli Blue ID card. Careful review of the applications will determine who qualifies for permanent Israel residency with all the benefits of Israel citizenship similar to that enjoyed by the overwhelming majority of the Jerusalem Arab community. This includes National insurance, healthcare, and voting in local elections but not in National Israel elections. Initially, no declaration of sovereignty. Israel is on the verge of a spectacular (for West Point students) if not miraculous (for believers in Hashem) VICTORY in its 7-front battle. Iran and its six proxies are bewildered. Hamas is on its knees. Hezbollah management has been buried and its arsenal is being obliterated. The Houthi’s major port has been destroyed and PA supported terrorists in Jenin, Qalqilya, Shechem and elsewhere in J&S are being obliterated. Syria and Iraq are watching Israel winning this multi-front military conflict. Sunni and GCC states along with multiple enemies of Hezbollah are quietly celebrating Israel’s dramatic success. Unfortunately, there is another conflict in which Israel is far less successful. In fact, Israel has been losing the information (propaganda or hasbara) war in a dramatic fashion for decades. We must understand that as long as Israel maintains a military government (seen as "occupation") of J&S, significant parts of its biblical and historical homeland, it will continue to lose the battle of public opinion. It cannot justify and defend a 57-year-old governmental limbo in J&S. This failure is evident in the streets, in academia, in parliaments, in the UN, in the media, in the courts and in every forum on the planet. The "occupation" and military rule must end! In the words of Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in May 2003, "You cannot like the word, but what is happening ( in Gaza, J&S ) is an occupation -- to hold Palestinians under occupation, I believe, is a terrible thing for Israel and for the Palestinians." With much fanfare and protest, in a first step to end the "occupation", Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2005. Everyone now understands that Sharon’s attempt to end the so-called “occupation” was a tragic blunder. There are two ways to end the “occupation” or Israeli military rule: Withdrawal or Annexation. Withdrawal and creation of an independent Hamas terrorist state in Gaza led to tragic consequences and five wars. Similarly, creation of a PA, PLO, and Fatah terrorist state in J&S would lead to unimaginable violence. Proponents of Israeli withdrawal and creation of two-states believe that a two-state solution will resolve all the problems in the Middle East. Biden/Harris, the US State Department, the UN, the European community, and others, are either oblivious to the total failure of Sharon’s Gaza experiment or dream of Israel’s demise with a terrorist state in its backyard. Before October 7 th , many Israelis believed that the only solution to the Arab Israeli conflict was the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Today, almost all Israelis other than two Ehud’s, former prime ministers of Israel, and one or two prime minister wannabees understand that there can be no two-state solution. Almost all Israelis understand that the PA is a totally unreliable peace partner Most Israelis now understand that there is only one path forward: Israel must end the military occupation and declare sovereignty and annex J&S, its ancient Jewish homeland. Back in June of 2003, when I first proposed that Israel annex or declare sovereignty over J&S, the idea was viewed with great skepticism. A conference was held to discuss the proposal with senior Israeli leaders and thought-provoking personalities. A transcript of that gathering in Kfar Maccabiah documents the unanimous rejection of such a plan. Most dreamed of a two-state solution. The objections to my plan ranged from demographic fears based on fictitious Palestinian Authority demographic statistics blindly supported by the Israeli demographers and geographers, Sergio dela Pergola and Arnon Sofer. They believed that the imaginary three million plus Arabs living in J&S with their explosive fertility rates would destroy Israel as a Jewish state. Others said that Israel could not stand up to the World’s objections. Others said that economic and social issues accompanying annexation would be catastrophic. Others argued that the new residents of Israel would create an electoral catastrophe that could destroy Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. Others claimed that there is no solution. The status quo was the preferred path and Jacob and Esau would always be in conflict. My original 2003 annexation plan, www.onejewishstate.com, struggled with the status of the alleged 3 million Arabs. Several suggestions were made including a path to citizenship and a gerrymandered districting plan that would help preserve Israel as a Jewish State. Today, the major stumbling block in the way of declaring sovereignty in J&S still revolves around the status of the Arab residents. The exaggerated population claims of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics were debunked by our American Israel Demographic Research Group led by Bennett Zimmerman and Yoram Ettinger and the demographic sword has been removed from Israel’s neck. Indeed, the demographic future is very bright with growing Aliyah, Arab emigration, and Jewish fertility exceeding Arab fertility. Various alternatives have been suggested such as a limited declaration of sovereignty in Area C, thereby adding fewer than 100,000 Arabs. Others have suggested that Israel declare sovereignty over the Jordan Valley, adding maybe 25,000 Arab residents. There are numerous other proposals. But what would be the legal status of the Arab residents? I recently proposed the so-called “Puerto Rico Plan”. Annexing and granting Blue Israel ID cards to all qualified residents of J&S. That suggestion may be too dramatic and trigger enormous worldwide and local objections. Is there are better path that does not initially involve annexation? Is there a model that would allow the residents of J&S to choose whether they want to be part of Israel or continue to live under autocratic Arab bosses? Over the years significant figures and groups have joined the camp demanding that Israel declare sovereignty over the original 1922 Mandate for Palestine which includes all of J&S, the ancestral Jewish National Home. Nadia Matar and the Women in Green Movement adopted and championed Sovereignty. The distinguished journalist Caroline Glick understood that annexation is the correct path and issued her book “A One State Plan for Peace in the Middle East”. Recently, the Honorable Ambassador David Friedman released his book “One Jewish State” and even highlighted the “Puerto Rico Plan”. As is well known, a Blue Israel ID card is a highly valued possession in the Arab community of Jerusalem and is held by a fortunate few who live in J&S. Over 125,000 Arabs have left the Palestinian authority to live in Jerusalem. Indeed, when Jerusalem Arabs were asked whether they would prefer to live in Israel or in a Palestinian state, over 90% chose Israel. Dr. Ahmad Tibi, Arab Knesset Member, for example was outraged when told that his home in Jerusalem would be on the "Palestine" side of Jerusalem. Let’s imagine that the Arabs in a selected village in J&S are offered the chance to apply for a Blue Israel ID card. Based on various surveys and interviews, the vast majority will be delighted to have a chance for stability and to become participants in Israel’s future. As the program succeeds, additional villages are offered similar opportunities. This will morph into a landslide demand by Arabs across J&S asking for the same opportunity. When that happens, the status of the PA/Hamas brutal dictators will be undermined not only in J&S but in Israel and internationally. The people will have spoken. They need no longer envy the peace and prosperity that their Israeli Arab brethren have enjoyed. They too want to be a part of the state of Israel! When that happens, Israel can declare sovereignty to the delight of a non-hostile Arab population, happy to have escaped the terror-based society previously imposed upon them. Numerous issues must be confronted. Fatah and Hamas will be hysterical and threaten to murder anyone who applies for Israel residency. I wonder why? How can so many people reject the PA and Hamas leadership and request citizenship in Israel, the apartheid racist state? Legal issues from the Israeli Supreme Court and Attorney General. Israel cannot discriminate and offer permanent residency to some and not all. The standards for residency are discriminatory. After all, terrorist should also be given full rights! Of course, those in the World seeking Israel’s destruction via the creation of a terrorist state ruled by the PA and Hamas, will be outraged that Israel is offering residency to a willing Arab population. They will be flabbergasted when this simple path to eventual declaration or annexation succeeds. When the occupation and military rule ends, there will still be anti-Zionists who seek Israel’s destruction. However, once and for all, the true nature of anti-Semites will be exposed as deniers of the right of Jews to live in their own state. Israel will win that argument in the court of public opinion. The Jewish people have the right to their own independent sovereign state. A state that recognizes the civil and religious rights of all minorities but does not suffer the so-called national rights of those who seek its destruction. Israel cannot win the information war with those who support “freedom” fighters and resistance fighters seeking an end to Israel’s military governance. Let’s begin the path to sovereignty and end the "occupation" in the forthcoming “day after”.