The Jewish heart is beating stronger than ever
No, we have not betrayed our mission: Yehudah, Tamar and a Hanukkah Drama.
No, we have not betrayed our mission: Yehudah, Tamar and a Hanukkah Drama.
Though Hashem created all human beings in His image, He chose us as His children.
This week’s Parshah contains the unfortunate saga of Yosef and his brothers–Yosef
After repairing his soul, Reuben returned and looked at the pit.
Everyone knows the wounds of their own heart, and everyone knows in what places they must strive to become stronger to completely trust in God.
Something big is happening now in our world; changes which are on a Biblical scale.
Selected commentaries explain why Joseph's brothers were angered by his dreams.
The greatest test of Emunah is to make changes to one’s life when things are going well.
Three guarantors for the coming of Mashiach are alluded to in the three pieces of collateral that Yehudah gave to Tamar, the ancestress of the Mashiach.
Jewish resilience is incomparable, but when we understand who our ancestors were and the values they inculcated into us, we begin to understand where it comes from.
Parashat Vayeishev portrays the dilemma of Jacob and his rival sons.
First, how could the Mashiach be the product of a problematic union? Surely his ancestry has to be unblemished!
Equality before G-d is supposed to govern human society.
What Shimon and Levi did was extraordinary both for their time, and for the geographical region. It still is today in parts of the world. They did not blame the victim, they blamed the perpetrator, taking a Torah-based stand and calling rape an abomination.
God created the world and everything in it, including evil and suffering, in order to benefit His creations. Man’s view is narrow and limited, unable to see the bigger picture. From this, we can strengthen our faith that everything God does is for the good
A New Era of Torah Transmission. How and why it came about.
Two descriptions encapsulate Hashem’s relationship with our world.
The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life. It has revolutionized the way we think about G -d the human soul, the world and our place in it.
Chanukah is a time to strengthen the positive energy in the home, as the mitzvah is emphasized as נר איש וביתו (Shabbat 21b), an obligation on the family to add light to the home.
Israel and Israel alone must decide to return to holiness and the promise of Divine protection and victory.
Today, we can see how Israel represents both tremendous power and military and moral might, as well as its antithesis, vulnerability and frailty.
Yes, Esav rises high up to the top of the ladder, but eventually Hashem orchestrates his fall. It was prophesied then and it is happening before our eyes.
Why does it matter whether the worshippers gather around a pillar outside or pray inside a sanctuary?
Precisely when a person sees himself in great need, after exhausting his actions and efforts, he must strengthen his faith, with a clear understanding that salvation is expected to come.
Girded with Torah, ever-stronger Emunah, and physical prowess graced from Above, we will march onward to complete Redemption.
Why did Jacob and Rachel argue about a name moments before her death?
Young,Religious Zionist Torah scholars connect the weekly Torah reading to love of Eretz Yisrael.
Did Shimon and Levi over-react by massacring Shechem and his entire city?
The polite rejection of any gift has a caveat. By rejecting the gift, we also reject the expected interaction expressed by the giving party.
A person’s l.egacy is not confined to a physical marker
The truth is that no one person can have everything.
The wicked, in their own eyes, consider themselves to be tzaddikim, and that all that is given to them is their due.
Esav sought to escape Yaakov's influence.
The story of Jacob and the angel points to a time when the Jewish people will stand at the edge of return to their ancestral homeland, but hesitate to take the final step.
By acknowledging our shared history, we can and must begin to build bridges instead of walls.
All Divine revelations to the patriarchs dealt with establishing the people of Israel – that they would multiply, inherit the Land, and bring blessing to all peoples. Blessed are the soldiers fighting with self-sacrifice and defending the people and the Land. The Levites and priests participated in Israel’s wars.
The gleam in Rav Tzvi Yehuda Kook's eyes sparkled with extra warmth when he met with students from abroad who he hoped would move to Israel. When a Jew lives in Israel, his whole life is a mitzvah. A mitzvah which is equal in weight to all of the mitzvot of the Torah.
An introduction to the published correspondence of Rav Yitzchok Hutner, by Rabbi Israel Meir Kirzner.
"We make a mistake when we think religion is only about believing. It’s also about belonging; and belonging is about community, that delicate yet powerful network of relationships where we learn moral literacy – by being there for other people when they need us, knowing that they’ll be there for us when we need them." - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
The essence of Yaakov is truth=emet, in its truest form.
The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life. It has revolutionized the way we think about G -d the human soul, the world and our place in it.
Rabbi Meir Fendel zt”l was a true hero in Klal Yisroel who created thousands of frum homes – facts on the ground. He changed the face of New York’s Jewish community.
Even in th. Messianic Era, the divide between Rachel and Leah will continue, with two Messianic leaders
Divine Providence guides man in his ways in accord with man’s faith and trust in God.
What was the significance of Yaakov's dream of the ladder and angels? A selection of commentators' answers to the question.
No missing links.
Our dream, right now, is “Beshuv Hashem et-shivat Tziyyon” — “May Hashem enable the captives of Zion to come home.”
The explanation of Yaakov’s vision can provide much poignancy vis-a-vis a future episode in Yaakov’s life–namely
Am Yisrael is a family. We know it’s true. When Am Yisrael is in danger, we all ignore our differences and jump into action,
G-d is our father… and our lawgiver.
First, we must love Judaism ourselves. Then, we can impart this love to our children.
To love being Jewish is to strive to be as close to Hashem as humanly possible. And to be close to Hashem means to live in the land He gave the Jewish people.
Why did Hashem send Yaakov the angels on the ladder vision now?
Yaakov understood that through the holiness of Eretz Yisrael, which was the “house of G-d and the gate of heaven,” he would be able to fulfill his task of connecting heaven and earth.
Over and over, the Book of Bereshit emphasizes the centrality of Eretz Yisrael to Jewish life. Instead of merely reading through the events described in the Torah portion “Vayetze” in a superficial fashion, let’s take a deeper look through the eyes of our Sages.
A halachic perspective on presidential pardons. Op-ed.
The Tanya compacts four millennia of Jewish wisdom to answer the great personal and existential questions of life. It has revolutionized the way we think about G -d the human soul, the world and our place in it.
The pattern of Jewish history throughout the ages is Churban, Golus, Geulah – Destruction, Exile, Redemption.
It is a great commandment from the Torah to save a person in danger. When it comes to saving all of Israel, it is considered a clear obligatory war. The commandment to study Torah does not override the commandment to enlist in the army but the discussion about the government’s survival is a different matter and coercive conscription is not feasible
In tribute to Rabbi Aharon Ankri zts"l, killed in a car accident several days ago.