As Alan Dershowitz said a few months ago, “..J Street has done more damage to Israel than any [other] American organization,” and “..It has made a generation of Jews ashamed to be pro-Israel, and has made it politically correct among young people to single out Israel to a double standard and for fault.” 

J Street has led the barricades to shift in a scary scene I see regularly as I speak to groups of young Jews across the country – and now we see the Young, Jewish and Proud division of the Jewish Voice for Peace giving J Street a run for their money as the most disgusting and disturbing expression of self hating “Judaism” possible.

In a widely circulated video this week (, a Birthright event was disrupted where Steven Pease, a Venture Capitalist and the author of “The Golden Jewish Achievement” was slated to speak about his highly acclaimed book on Jewish culture, history, achievement.

Of course, the fact that this man was deemed an evil capitalist made him even more of an enemy to these youth (whose leader is a 2011 graduate of Brandeis University where annual tuition exceeds $40K annually). Viewing the website of this organization one can see events where they disrupted a speech made by the democratically elected Prime Minister of the State of Israel, and other anti-Israel incidents. 

Nary a mention of anything Jewish or remotely positive, we learn their purpose is “dedicated to reaching a just peace between Israelis and Palestinians based on the principles of equality and international human rights”, and they urge young Jews and allies to “occupy Jewish institutions that actively obstruct human rights for Palestinians, like AIPAC, the Jewish Federations, Birthright, the Jewish National Fund, Hillel…”

One wonders what makes these youth Jewish -- Amazingly, I couldn’t find a place on their site where they spoke out against Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he visited the US, and having stood at perhaps thousands of prayer vigils and protests for Israeli terror victims as well as rallies against Anti-Semitism in NYC, I didn’t recognize any of these students. 

I am sure they won’t be venturing to Brooklyn today to help the community of Borough Park where swastikas were painted and cars burned after having KKK painted on them.

As a former student leader who served as the National President of the Betar Zionist Youth Organization, I am quite familiar with Jewish youth protests and believe they are effective means of raising conscience - I traveled to Oslo to protest Arafat receiving the Nobel Peace prize in Oslo, and disrupted Pat Buchanan’s announcement that he was running for President due to his previous statements questioning the Holocaust.  

As Rabbi Avi Weiss constantly reminded me during these endeavors, Judaism cannot be just about speaking out against the enemies of Jews – it also has to be about celebrating the beauty of Judaism. 

Today’s generation of American student activists – from J Street to the “Jewish Voice for Peace” – their “Judaism” is quite clear: “How much can we harm the Jewish state and the Jewish people?”

One wonders as these privileged Jewish liberals whine about the so-called “Jewish 1 percent”, how many of their parents put them though Universities as the result of funds earned in banking, finance and other related industries which the “Cccupy” Wall Street crowd has deemed as evil.  The parents of so many of these children raised these children at the altar of twisted liberal values – and today we see witness the product of their $40,000 annual educations.

Reading their website one can learn: “We commit ourselves to peace. We will stand up with honest bodies, to offer honest bread…We are young Jews, and we get to decide what that means.”

As student activists, I’d urge them to fly to Syria, Iran and other countries they want peace with and let their “cousins” there know they are proud, young Jews and let us know how that dialogue goes, and how long it lasts.  I will pay for their educational trips as long as they walk the streets of those countries with Jewish stars letting them know they are young, Jewish and proud. Surely our “peace partners” there will welcome them with open arms, right ?

As student activists, I’d urge them to fly to Syria, Iran and other countries they want peace with and let their “cousins” there know they are proud, young Jews. Let them wear Jewish stars and let us know how that dialogue goes, and how long it lasts
One wonders about the grandparents and great-grandparents of these kids many of whom were doubtlessly slaughtered in the streets by Europeans, Russian Cossacks, and for the Sephardim amongst them expelled from country after country – Were their family members allowed to “decide what their Judaism means?”

Their family trees have to be turning in their graves as this sickness permeates in the name of Jews because their last name may be Cohen or Behrendt.

Thankfully, America is a country where Jews have a great history and we have “made it” - it’s one of the rare countries in the world where the rivers don’t flow with Jewish blood. 

This owner of a PR agency says these so-called American Jewish organizations don’t represent the Jewish community any more than a black member of the KKK would represent African-Americans.

 (The writer, CEO of 5WPR has just released the PR book “For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands, and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations” which is available for purchase at: