Although he has painted himself as a hero of freedom, in reality Obama’s foreign policy has enabled tyranny and terrorism to flourish. Perhaps he does not understand the following statements: Fascism is the ultimate expression of absolute power; deception and the absence of accountability are its greatest allies. Since lies are the tools that fascists use to complete their circuitry of deceit, any statements issued from the leaders of these governments or their supporters can be never be believed or validated. The only thing that can be substantiated is the total absence of people's inalienable rights. Wake up America, the Muslim Brotherhood, a criminal enterprise that supports Hamas and the overthrow of Israel, is now your primary partner to broker peace in the Middle East. What happens when you do not challenge Obama’s foreign policy? You wave the white flag of surrender to Islam! While Obama was traveling in Southeast Asia, half way around the globe, America‘s closest ally, Israel, was defending itself by launching an attack on Hamas. Again‚ Obama waited before throwing Israel the proverbial crumb, “We support you all the way, ” all the way that is, until Israel launches a ground war, to finally vanquish an enemy that is determined to destroy the Jewish state. Then Hilary Clinton flew in to broker a peace with Hamas and Israel through Mohammed Morsi. Not one news agency at that time questioned the sanity of the Secretary of State promoting a peace agreement brokered with Mohammed Morsi, an enabler of Iran’s terrorist exploits against Israel and a champion of Hamas. On the contrary, the mainstream media praised Mrs. Clinton for achieving a cease fire agreement. “What agreement were the mainstream media so enamored with? One that would give Gaza open ports so terrorists can get more missiles in their quest to destroy Israel and provide Iran an advantage in her psychological war against the Jewish state. That, and the promise that Israel will not kill any more of their terrorist leaders. This equals suicide for Israel . Lacking a historical overview, the Administration along with Congress, has long ignored a crucial fact concerning the reality of the enemy we face in our war on terrorism. The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, both terrorist organizations, are Sunni, while the Iranian population is 92 percent Shi’ite. The Sunni and Shi‘ites constantly war against each other in the name of the superiority of their God, a God who they both worship through acts of treachery and murder. Yet, they are able to unite, despite their religious fanatical differences, when it comes to the destruction Israel, a point that Washington refuses to concede. Tragically, they have lost sight of the fact that it is Iran that is the proverbial Alpha male of the Islamic world. Iran not only continues to hold America hostage with a threat of an economic meltdown (a manufactured threat) if it doesn't agree to the creation of a nuclear armed Iran, but many of Iran’s immediate neighbors in the Arab League are also petrified at the thought of Iran becoming a nuclear armed terrorist state. Iran and Iran alone is the epicenter of the ideology of Islamic supremacism and Israel eradication, not the Muslim Brotherhood, Syria, not Afghanistan, Yemen, nor Al- Quaida and the rest. Iran is the standard bearer for global sharia law advocacy. Her terrorist tentacles reach far beyond the Islamic world to South America, South Africa China, Korea, Russia, Europe, Africa, and the UN; all are now part and parcel of their war on America, Israel, and the West. The fact is that Iran's Revolutionary Guard and their terrorist surrogates actively attack and kill American and Israeli citizens and soldiers around the world. The bad news for Obama (and also for Israel and America), is that Egyptian President Morsi, who shares Iran’s determination to destroy Israel, has seized absolute power, dismissed the judiciary, and established a fascist Islamic constitution whose approval will be sought in a nationwide referendum. Unfortunately for the people of Egypt, the outcome has already been pre-determined by Morsi. Where is Barack Hussein Obama, the hero who stood for freedom in Egypt and the Islamic World? He said that Americans must respect the rights of the Islamic people and that their voices must be heard. Why is Obama hesitating? Why is he not asking Morsi, like Mubarak before him, to to step down? Isn’t there more than enough proof that Morsi is a dictator, or does Obama believe that the Muslim Brotherhood and their partner in crime, Ahmadinejad, can be honest brokers for peace in the Middle East? But a larger question looms, where is the GOP, why are they not launching a national campaign to demand why Obama does not make his intentions known to the American people concerning Mohammed Morsi’s status. If the leader of the free world does not emphatically declare what America stands against in all circumstances, then for what do we stand, and with whom? Certainly not those Egyptian people who are now again claiming they want to be a tyranny-free nation, not one that was hijacked by the Muslim Brotherhood though free elections. Obama's foreign policy follows a distinct pattern of behavior when dealing with the uprisings in the Islamic world. His commitment to giving support to those who are leading the charge, changes in direct proportion to those who are guaranteed to win. In Egypt, it was only after Obama knew that Mubarak would fall, that Obama announced to the world he was calling upon the people of Egypt to overthrow their oppressor. In this case he was not willing to support the perceived victim until the outcome appeared guaranteed. What he never committed to in the Arab Spring was a foreign policy that insists that a constitutional government be implemented that opposes tyranny, if they wish to continue to receive financial support even if it is not the will of the victors in a free election. Obama manages to shuck his responsibility as the leader of the free world when it suits his purpose, proclaiming America will not interfere in the internal affairs of any nation, especially in the Islamic world. Ironically, now the people of Egypt are demanding that Morsi step down after free elections, but will Obama get involved as he did with Mubarak? The protesters who have now taken to the streets against the Muslim Brotherhood may provide the ultimate solution against Islamic fascism, for they might be the first generation of Muslims to accept a guaranteed separation from a mosque/state tyrannical enclave through a democratic constitutional state mandate. Will Egypt finally adopt the political ideology that America 's Founders designed that can end sectarian slaughter, by redirecting the people's allegiance from religious fanaticism to one that protects everyone's inalienable rights? This is the front line of defense that the Islamic world must adopt if they are to be free from tyranny's hateful grip, and America 's Constitution fits the bill. This is a chance that we must not squander and the GOP must take the lead, this is the opportunity for them to reestablish American’s identity as to why she is the nation among all nations that was created to bring about a peaceful co-existence among mankind. The question becomes, how can the GOP support an American president who champions a foreign policy that aligns America with nations and political movements that are determined to eliminate our precious rights in Allah's name? Simply put, Obama paints America , the defender of freedom, as though she is the greatest offender. He treats Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood and the rest of these renegades as if they were the victims of America ’s aggression, as if they need some special consideration, as if invasion, conquest, and nation building with the global jihad are somehow a defensive posture, an appropriate response to America 's foreign policy. And the Obama Doctrine, “Terrorists are R’ U.S. ” completely exemplifies this erroneous position. For it is a foreign policy that contends that America ’s greed, racism, and exploitation of the Islamic nations is responsible for their hatred against us, not Islam’s addiction to tyranny’s hateful edicts and the murder of millions of innocent people over the last 1300 years. America cannot serve two masters, she cannot keep downgrading Israel from a nation of freedom-loving people into a bargaining chip in order to satisfy any part of a political agenda that green lights the destruction of Israel- in the hope of establishing a peaceful co-existence with the oil-rich tyrannical nations of the Arabian Peninsula. Yet, that is exactly what is being done. This is a policy that not only dooms Israel to extinction, but will lead to the destruction of the moral fiber that binds America to its own humanity. The GOP must emphatically declare its independence from the dictates of Obama‘s foreign policies which now bind our nation to tyranny's diabolical edicts. They must commit to defending our nation from enemies both foreign and domestic, but it seems they cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. If Americans are joined at the hip with the Muslim Brotherhood, how can we stop Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who must not be given the opportunity to accomplish his unequivocally-announced and pursued goal: a nuclear armed terrorist state. America needs a new guideline; she needs a new point of departure, one that once again honors her nation’s eternal stance against the advancement of global tyranny. She must immediately embark on this new path, for it guarantees America ’s victory over those who have compromised our core beliefs at home and abroad. America needs a Victorious America party.