Take for instance, a recent speech Israel’s by UN Ambassador Ron Prosor at the UN Security Council. Ambassador Prosor gave what was an otherwise truly great speech except for one sentence that is directly related to Israel’s Temple Mount-Prayer Ban:
“Following Israel’s victory in 1967, Israel reunited Jerusalem. Since then, all people – and I mean all people - regardless of religion and nationality can visit the city’s holy sites.
"And while we were victorious and assumed control over all of Jerusalem, Israel extended a hand in peace to the Muslim world. According to the status quo brokered between Israel and the Waqf, Muslims would enjoy access to pray at their holy sites, while all other religions would be allowed access to the Temple Mount.
To Ambassador Prosor’s two “rhetorical” questions, the answer is an absolute, definite “no”! No nation on earth and no religion on earth would ever have agreed not to pray on its holiest site, one that it controlled militarily. We all agree on that!
This is a suicidal delusion. When Jews hear Ambassador Prosor, they think, “Oy, we’ve sacrificed, oy, so much for peace. Oy, those Arabs.” But when Muslims hear Ambassador Prosor say “we were willing to restrict our own freedoms for the sake of peace,” they come to the exact opposite conclusion. Muslims interpret the Temple Mount Jewish Prayer Ban as “You, Israelis, don’t pray on the Temple Mount aka ‘The Noble Sanctuary’ because you, Israelis, know you don’t have any right to pray there. Therefore, you don’t have a right to be there at all. Leave now, before we legitimately murder more of you, Israelis, because you are illegal occupiers on our sacred holy site.”
They see it as validating the Palestinian narrative: the Temple Mount is Palestinian, so why should the Palestinians pay for it with any “security” measures that protect Israel? To Arab thinking, and to others not predisposed to Israel, the real inference from the Ambassador's rhetorical “questions” insures that Israel has already lost its case.
Israel’s entire “Land for Peace” delusion leads to the same results. Palestinian Arabs and Muslims don’t see the “Peace concessions” that Israelis have conned themselves into believing are “sacrifices.” Arabs see Israeli concessions as explicit admissions by Israel that Israel doesn’t rightfully belong in Judea and Samaria. And, who wouldn’t.
Israel loves to brag about its, “self-restraint” and unilateral “redeployments.” But, to an objective observer Israel full-scale retreat from Gaza didn’t prove “Israel takes brave risks for Peace.” It proved to the world and the Arabs that Israel didn’t have the right to Gaza, and hence to Judea and Samaria, for that matter.
In short, Israeli leaders and diplomats should stop “showing-off” Israeli concessions, and hallucinating that the Israeli concessions make Israel look good. They just make Israel look like a cheap criminal who wants to cop a plea by coughing off some stolen goods. Israel’s retreats and concessions weaken Israel and make it look weak.
Instead, they should ask “Would Washington D.C. allow Muslims in a DC mosque to throw Molotov Cocktails at police?” and “Americans can pray everywhere in America, can’t they?” For, if Israel loses the Temple Mount, Israel will surely lose Judea and Samaria, and then Tel Aviv proper. The Temple Mount is truly Israel’s first, and last, line of defense.