On September 9 at 12 am, a special “trial” will be set for Pope Francis in Mount Zion, Jerusalem. The "Sanhedrin", an unnoffical body modelled after the religious High Court composed of 71 sages of Temple times, will "prosecute" the Vatican for its policy on Jerusalem. 

The idea for a "trial" was promoted when the Vatican officially recognized the political body known as the Palestinian Authority as a state, and began to refer to it as such in official documents. “Unfortunately, these recent actions by His Excellency (the Pope) are part of a long history of activity and positions on the part of the Roman Catholic Church, which apparently has never abandoned its mission to persecute the People of Israel for refusing to recognize the church's savior as the Messiah of Israel and to force them to surrender to its religious doctrine” says the Sanhedrin.  

It also explains that “the Vatican should desist from its encouragement of the occupying entity of the Land of Israel, known as the Palestinian Authority, and from referring to it as a ‘state’. Further, we request that the Pope instruct the Vatican that the sole claimant of Divine right to the Land of Israel is the nation of Israel. This will certainly contribute much more to genuine peace than encouraging the PA ‘angel of peace’ who till now, has only contributed hostility and war”.

Continuing, they write: “We are surprised at how you could bestow such honor on a man who is a Holocaust denier, who has stated his refusal to allow even one Jew to live in ‘his’ future state, let alone become a citizen of such state, while at same time the State of Israel - the state of the Jewish Nation - whether willingly or unwillingly, hosts on its land millions of  Arabs who enjoy human and civil rights on a level unparalleled in their long history. We encourage the Vatican to adopt the seven Noahide laws, in particular, to reform its attitude to Israel and the Jewish nation, to seek and pursue justice, as is demanded by that eternal code”.

Pope Francis will be judged in absentia by the Sanhedrin and it will be interesting to see if someone from the Catholic Church will decide to participate in the debate. Mount Zion has a very special historic meaning, since the day after Pope John Paul II celebrated a mass on Mt. Zion in 2000, he went to Yasser Arafat's headquarter to support the Palestinians’ so-called "right of return".

The Jewish court’s rulings have no legal status but they do have spiritual, political and cultural significance. This will be the most significant confrontation between a Jewish authority and the Catholic Church on the single most important issue: Jewish legitimate and exclusive rights over Jerusalem and Eretz Israel.

The representatives of the "High Court" are Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, Rabbi Dov Levanoni, Rabbi Israel Ariel, Rabbi Daniel Stavsky, Rabbi Yehuda Edri, and Rabbi Dov Meir Shtein. “The miracle of the State of Israel as divine redemption made some of the Gentiles envious because of the proof it gave that we are the chosen people”, says Sanhedrin member Professor Hillel Weiss. “The government's representatives defend themselves by speaking only of security, but there is much more to the story. The Court of Sanhedrin decided not to keep silent. The Vatican said that the holy city of Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinian Arabs. We had no choice but to take upon our shoulders the task of speaking the truth”.

Although the initiative is only symbolic, the"indictment" contains truths that should be said and heard. It is titled:

The People Israel VS. 1. Pope Francis, Head of the Catholic Church, the Vatican 2. President of the United States, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama 3. Secretary of State Mr. John Kerry, The White House, Washington, D.C. United States of America 4. The signatory nations to the Iran Nuclear Agreement; “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action”, (the US, Great Britain, Russia, Germany, France and China) 5. The United Nations Security Council 6. UNESCO 7. The Supreme Court of the United States of America 8. The Human Rights Court in The Hague, Netherlands 9. The International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands 10. The European Union Collectively and each individually stand accused of :

Conspiracy to conduct theft of the Land of Israel from the People of Israel

1.The Land of Israel is exclusive patrimony of the People of Israel, as stated in the Tanakh, also known as the Holy Bible, which is considered the foundation and authoritative for of all monotheistic religions. It is an accepted point of fact of history, and considered common knowledge that from the time of Abraham, , the Land of Canaan, and the territory of the 'Seven Nations' is considered the exclusive home and patrimony of and for the People of Israel.

2.This is in fact, an eternal promise, acknowledged by the world, including and as represented by the defendants, from the Creator and Master of the World, the Gd of Israel, Who bequeathed the Land of Israel to the patriarchs Avraham (Abraham), YitsHaq (Isaac) and Ya'aqov (Jacob), and their descendants, His Chosen People, Israel.

3. This promise was acknowledged and fulfilled when the Gd of Israel freed His People from slavery under Pharaoh, and delivered them out of the land of Egypt. The promise was further ratified at Mount Sinai, and in the plains of Moab and through the conquest by Y'hoshua (Joshua) son of Nun. The promise and title to the Land of Israel is eternally valid, and has no expiration.

4. Today there are approximately seven million Jews, descendants and rightful claimants of the patrimony. living in the western portion of the Land of Israel, including the area known as the Golan Heights. This represents the promised in-gathering of the exiles who have and are returning from the four corners of the globe. This return of the Children of Israel is historical proof that the promise's continued validity. In addition, there are approximately half a million self identified Arab residents, who are distant descendants of the seed of Israel, who lost or abandoned their national and religious identification through fear, and coercion from various foreign rulers and occupiers, including but not limited to the Roman, Byzantine, Persian, Arab, Crusader, Mameluke, Ottoman and British occupations.

5. The accused, as individuals and acting in concert have purposefully, intentionally and with malice, both publicly and in secret, have acted to undermine, diminish, repudiate and deny the People Israel's historic, moral and legitimate right to the Land of Israel. It has besmirched the name of Israel in world forums, and perpetuated a campaign of lies and propaganda in order to rob Israel of its birthright.

6. The accused, collectively and individually, have publicly and legally, accorded official recognition to a foreign and hostile entity within the territory of the Land of Israel, and has recognized it as a legitimate state entity. This entity, known as the so-called 'Palestinian Authority' is a foreign body, whose sole reason for existence is the removal of the People Israel from their rightful and legitimate patrimony.

7. The accused, collectively and individually, masquerading their efforts as promoting peace and justice, have in fact, advanced false arguments, lies, slander and defamation in order to obfuscate Israel's rightful claim to the territory known as the Land of Israel. It has falsely accused Israel of being an occupier, of perpetrating war crimes, of enforcing a policy of apartheid and of breaching international laws treaties. All of these claims are false.

8. The accused, collectively and individually, along with their subsidiary organizations, have devoted huge sums of money and resources to establish the false “Palestinian” entity in place of Israel. They have trained its armies and security forces, provided and/or sold this entity weapons and provided weaponry to neighboring peoples of the region with the intent and purpose of pressuring Israel. They have condoned or failed to condemn the mass corruption, theft and financial waste invested in the “Palestinian” entity and neighboring countries, at the expense of the self-identified Arab residence, in order to allow terror organizations known as Fatah, Hamas, and an others to pursue their goal of eliminating eradicate the Jewish presence in the Land of Israel. It is to be recalled that during that period known as the Holocaust, wherein the expressed goal was the eradication of the Jewish People, many of the accused and associate organizations collaborated, assisted, facilitated, or failed to respond to the self same goal of the Nazis, to whit, the elimination of the Jewish People.

9. The accused, collectively and individually, have, in addition to the above, willfully ignored the exclusive national rights of the Jewish People in accordance with international law, as decided by unanimous vote of the members of the League of Nations through the (1920) San Remo Resolution. This resolution recognizes the entirety of the Land of Israel as the National Home of the Jewish People.

10. The accused, collectively and individually, refuse to acknowledge and ignore the fact that the representatives of the so-called 'Palestinians' refused the partition plan known as United Nations Resolution 181. It should be noted that the resolution, having been adopted by the General Assembly, and not the Security Council only has the authority of a recommendation, and therefore, legally, the Land of Israel was left undivided as in the original Mandate of (1920). However, the refusal by the Arab countries and the Arab occupiers of the Land of Israel to recognize the partition recommendation reflected their genocidal impulse and desire to destroy the Jewish people.

The above is only one part of the document:that can be seen on the Sanhedrin website.