What do the hot weather and the Islamic and African migrants to Europe have in common? Everyone complains about both of them, but no one does anything about either of them, to paraphrase a remark once quoted by Mark Twain.

As far as the weather is concerned, there really is nothing one can do except wait for winter to come – and once it does, another summer is not far behind. On the other hand, the problem of the migrants does have a possible solution, one which I will explain in this article.

The migration to Europe has caused several changes, some of them good ones, such as the arrival of a work force willing to do the jobs that Europeans refuse to do and the opportunity to offer refuge to the oppressed. The downside, however, is a drastic demographic change that brings with it a drastically different culture and set of values, unorganized labor, burdens on welfare services, a rise in crime and particularly, rape. The variations in the ways different European countries relate to the migrants is a source of tension, and these tensions, if allowed to continue unchecked, can threaten the continued existence of the European Union.

The humanitarian principles that Europe's countries have decided to adopt prevent their sending the migrants back to their countries of origin, and every migrant who succeeds in reaching Europe (if he manages to avoid a watery death in the Mediterranean and suffocation in a smuggler's airless truck) encourages all his family and friends to follow in his footsteps. If these migrants would accept the culture and behavioral norms of Europe once they set foot on that continent, there would be no problem, but they do not want to become Europeans and in most cases continue to think, speak and act as they did in their former homes, in stark contrast to what traditional European culture is all about..

Will more immigrants be allowed to enter Europe? If so, how many more? One million? Ten million? Fifty million?
The problem is getting worse and worse, with no practical solution being proposed by present European governments.

The solution suggested here is the establishment of new national entities - in Europe - for the migrants, allocating an area to which migrants who meet specified criteria can move and set up – with EU help – autonomous regions or states. These entities will have to be built according to European standards, with residential homes, roadworks, water, electricity, employment opportunities, health services, educational institutions, government, police and courts – everything a modern state needs.

There are two possible models:

1. One region in central Europe for migrants who meet the specified criteria

2. Several smaller regions in various European countries for migrants who meet the specified criteria.

If the first model is accepted, one state with a name of its own will be established in central or eastern Europe and be divided into areas for migrants according to countries of origin: one for Algerians, one for Moroccans, one for Egyptians, etc. If the second model is used, France might host New Algeria, Germany establish New Turkey for immigrants from that country, Spain might contain New Tunisia, Holland host New Morocco. The names don't matter, what matters are the criteria and actions that can make these states a reality.

A  significant number of questions will have to be addressed if this solution is to be implemented:

1. Will more immigrants be allowed to enter Europe? If so, how many more? One million? Ten million? Fifty million?

2. What are the criteria that will decide which migrants are to move to the new state (or states) and which ones are to be permitted to remain in Paris, Berlin or Madrid? Possible criteria are: length of time in Europe, possession of European citizenship, stable employment, country of origin; religion.

3. What will be done to migrants who refuse to move to the country set up for them? When establishing a new state (or states), it is essential to take into account the cultural background of migrants and not force European thought processes upon them. Will Arab migrants live in peace with Africans, can groups that did not live peacefully together - the Kurds and the Turks spring to mind – learn to live together, can Muslims live with those of other religions, or warring tribes form a state together? The planners will have to relate to these issues so as not to establish a battlefield instead of a functioning state.

There are serious economic factors involved in establishing a state (or states) of this nature – for example, the infrastructure will be quite costly, but compared to the social and economic price Europe is paying now and will pay in the future for the spread of immigration throughout Europe, they are negligible.

This is not a perfect solution, certainly not a problem-free one, but it is the only way to ensure the continuation of the Europe we know.  Continued unregulated immigration and the settlement of millions of migrants in every European city will soon put an end to European culture. If Europe wishes to commit cultural suicide, it can continue acting the way it has been doing up to now, but if the people of Europe wish to preserve their culture but at the same time allow the migrants – in the name of human rights – to leave their countries of origin, they must act immediately to implement the autonomy described.

If Europe does not wake up soon and begin dealing with the problem, the solution that may offer itself is for the Europeans to do the migrating and move to a quiet island in one of the oceans of the world, in order to preserve their own culture. Europe will then be transformed into a third world immigrant country.

Is the solution suggested above politically correct? I don’t' know, but the truth must be spoken even at the risk of it's not being politically correct.

Translated by Arutz Sheva Op-ed and Judaism Editor, Rochel Sylvetsky. Written in Hebrew for Arutz Sheva.