Translated from Italian by the writer who then published it in Il Foglio today, Jan. 5. There is evidence of Mahmoud Abbas' responsibility in the terror attacks that killed 30 people in Israel. This is how the officials of his Presidential Guard manage the platforms of hatred: In April 2002, at the peak of the Second Intifada, the Israeli army carried out a raid in Ramallah. In the Fatah offices, they found documents that proved the passing of orders from Yasser Arafat to Marwan Barghouti, tracing the entire chain of terror. Money, TNT belts, weapons, all written down. Besides the call for “martyrdom”, Arafat knowingly supplied money to prepare the attacks of the al-Aqsa [Martyrs’] Brigades. This evidence was used to sentence Barghouti to 5 consecutive life sentences, (a year ago, a New York Court also sentenced the Palestinian Authority for its direct involvement in six attacks). However, such documents cannot be used to explain the “Third Intifada”, which, in the last two and a half months, has caused thirty deaths and three hundred injured among Israelis. Nowadays, with a dollar in Ramallah one can buy the kitchen knives used to stab Israelis. On the streets with the same sum, one can buy CDs with the “music of the Intifada” and, rather than being on paper, today the orders are given online. “Is Palestinian-Israeli violence being driven by social media?” the BBC asks. The answer is “yes”, and the evidence leads straight to the “Muqata” in Ramallah, the palace of Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestinian National Authority. Almost all of the perpetrators of this last wave of terror have left messages on Facebook . The first was Muhannad Halabi, the Palestinian terrorist who stabbed two people to death in Jerusalem. He posted on his Facebook page the motive behind the double homicide: “According to what I see, the Third Intifada has erupted. What is happening to al-Aqsa Mosque is what is happening to our holy sites, and what is happening to the women of al-Aqsa is what is happening to our mothers and women. I don’t believe that our people will succumb to humiliation. The people will indeed rise up and it will be Intifada.” Up until now, as “evidence” of Abu Mazen’s involvement, the media and analysts have used figures such as Ahmed Ruweidi, the President’s Advisor on Jerusalem affairs, who stated: “I am proud of the fighters who, using blood, arrests, attacks, and beatings, succeeded in expelling them [the Jews, editor’s note] with their bodies... Truly, all my respect and appreciation to them.” But this is the exhortation to hatred by the “moderate” Abu Mazen, and while the world is backing him, he names squares after terrorists, and allows his TV channels and his websites to be filled with incitement. In this exclusive, my Italian daily Il Foglio is able to do much more: give a name and a face to one of the main puppet masters of this Third Intifada. One of the main indoctrination channels for the knife and car attacks carried out by Palestinians, is a Facebook page whose title can be translated from Arabic as “Strictly forbidden for drunk people”. The logo is a Palestinian boy wearing a keffiyeh and holding a knife, with the sentence: Watch over Palestine with the knife.” To date, the page has collected one and a half million likes. It is listed under the “Arts and Entertainment” section and it was launched in 2011, during the so-called “Arab Spring”. Since the Third Intifada was promoted, at the end of September, the page has recorded a daily growth in visitors. A careful analysis of this page reveals inflamed anti-Semitism and a daily call to kill Israeli Jews. On October 14th, Palestinians are asked to “bulldoze” the Israelis waiting for the bus, and the post is even accompanied by an odometer: “Children of Palestine, stab and run over with the car”. On December 11th, another post reads: “I invite you to Palestine to witness the revolution against the Zionist occupation”. And also: “Sons of bitches (speaking to Jews, editor’s note), may Allah damn you”. There are images of the attackers all over the page: “His soul is in paradise”. An Israeli soldier? “S.O.B.”. On December 12th, photographs of Palestinians attacks on civilians and soldiers are posted: “To those who doubt Palestine and its state, look how heroic.” On December 9th, alongside photographs of Israelis taken away by ambulance: “Allah the Great has killed a Zionist”. Two days ago, a timely post appeared, praising Nashat Melhem, the terrorist who killed Israeli young people on Friday at a Tel Aviv cafe: “May Allah protect him”. All over the page, Jews are called “sons of monkeys and pigs”. On December 31st, an original wish was posted: “All await New Years eve. We await Netanyahu’s head in the hands of the Palestinian resistance.” Who is behind this terrorist platform? Husam Nabil Adwan. He is a Palestinian Arab, born and raised in 1988 in Al Azariya, a southern suburb of Jerusalem. Why is this important? Because since 2006, Adwan has been wearing the tabs with curved swords of Abu Mazen’s Presidential Guard, the elite team tasked with the security of the Palestinian President and his foreign guests visiting Ramallah. On his Facebook page there are pictures of him standing in front of the al-Aksa Mosque, holding the Quran in one hand and a Kalashnikov in the other. There are also photographs of him together with the most well-known faces of Palestinian politics and security, including Arafat’s historic body guard, Mohammed Daya, and former Prime Minister Abu Ala. This Third Intifada is far from “spontaneous”, but rather it boasts a precise algorithm - the incitement to hatred, and the high-ranking officials and praetorians of the Palestinian National Authority, who manage the main platforms of this “silent war”. A few days ago, the Head of the Trauma Unit of Jerusalem’s Shaare Tzedek Hospital, Dr. Ofer Merin held a press conference about the victims of the Third Intifada: “The attackers always know where to strike, the wounds we see are never random”. They always strike to kill.