Wife-beating should not be a topic when writing about the new Congress coming in, but it is. As of Thursday, when all 435 members of the House of Representatives have taken their oaths, Rashida Tlaib, a gift to us from Michigan, takes her seat there as the first “Palestinian-American woman” – and proud of her “roots.” So proud that she attends such ceremonies featuring “Palestinian” garb and the “Palestinian” flag. She speaks often of her roots. An anti-Israel agenda, therefore anti-Jewish, is one of those roots. The Klinghoffer massacre…the Ma’alot massacre…the Passover massacre…the Munich Olympics massacre…we are not sure if that is also what she means by her roots. Quite a package coming to the House. She also speaks glowingly of her “Palestinian heritage,” which is strange, since there is no such thing. They exist in no history books. If there is something about “the Palestinian people” before 1964, or thereabouts, we should be told. Let her and her voters tell us more about that heritage…the heritage coming to the House…and with such pride. Can there be pride in wife-beating, or did her voters not know about this, that in some circles around Islam, wife-beating is sanctioned? Domestic abuse can happen anywhere. But until we find a legitimate member of the clergy, Christian or Jewish, preaching this, we must conclude that the practice is exclusive to Islam, so far as “corrective” measures codified and approved toward “disobedient wives.” This cannot be so among all imams. There must be those who condemn such an approach…. or so we trust for the good of humanity. (I personally know Muslims – neighbors in fact – who are no part of such degeneracy.) But a particular adviser to Mahmoud Abbas has come forth to explain that within the Palestinian Authority and its version of Islam, wife-beating has its merits. Omar is a “Somali-American” so proud of her roots that she always wears the hijab. That is a statement. She wears it to let us know that our Judeo/Christian customs and beliefs as traditional and everlasting fixtures of American behavior are coming to an end. We do not know if Congresswoman Tlaib is proud of this, since these are her roots, or if her voters are happy with this, or knew about this, or cared about this, or whether Ilhann Omar, another new barrier-breaking member of the House, from Minnesota, supports this. Omar is a “Somali-American” so proud of her roots that she always wears the hijab. That is a statement. She wears it to let us know that our Judeo/Christian customs and beliefs as traditional and everlasting fixtures of American behavior are coming to an end. A new heritage is coming to town…and it takes oaths on the Koran. On that topic, we return to wife-beating, the rules and regulations of it as per the wisdom of the Palestinian Authority, or Tlaib’s authority. Careful attention must be paid about how this works. The PA man says that beating your wife is never a good idea. Are you listening America? That is in line with our thinking and customs. However – and a big one, too – everything changes if the woman continues to be disobedient. Then, as we have it fully in this and this book about the clash of civilizations… Well then, if she won’t comply and obey, “blows may be administered to the hands and feet, but never to the face, as these may show scars.” Got that America and voters in Michigan and Minnesota? “Only the hands and feet.” Omar, and surely Tlaib as well, campaigned on this platform: “I am an organizer, and I’m ready to organize for the America we deserve.” True. Very true. So long as we keep voting for them, no doubt about it, this IS the America we deserve. New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the international book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal,” the classic Inside Journalism thriller , “The Bathsheba Deadline,” and most recently “News Anchor Sweetheart.” Contemporaries have hailed him “The last Hemingway, a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website: www.jackengelhard.com