In recent years, Europe has welcomed millions of (male) Africans exploited by gangs of smugglers, who end up on the streets, commit crimes and who will never be integrated (you can integrate into something, not into Europe's cultural and social nothingness). But for four women, the Europe of anti-racism and equal opportunities was not able to do anything: One was the Saudi Rahaf, who fled from her family and her country because she was an “apostate”, and ended up in Canada. Second was the Somali Ayaan Hirsi Ali who went to the United States after we Europeans did not protect her properly. Third is the Moroccan Zineb Rhazoui, treated as an “Islamophobe” in France where she is threatened with death. Fourth, of course, is Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi, whose agony has not ended yet. This neofeminism is at the same time silent on women's rights, for example in Islam, in order not to “offend” minorities. It is a double standard: depending on whether you are white, European, Catholic, Jewish or you are Maghrebi, African or Muslim. And if the prominent female figures lined up on the Harvey Weinstein's case, this is not accidental. He was the ideal culprit: a white male heterosexual, older, powerful, Jewish ... He could be presented as a “pig” without the fear of being accused of “playing the game of the extreme right”. This feminism is a feminism of resentment and a resentment entirely directed against the West. The fight about violence against women has become an smokescreen, not a cause.. These femminists never denounce a “patriarchy” totally alien to Western morality, linked to Islamic morality and which regulates relations between men and women in the French “lost territories” of the Republic. These are inner city erritories whose keys were handed over to the Islamists. Women there have left the public space. Feminism has become a school of blindness, it hides reality rather than revealing it. For these four women persecuted under Islam, we Europeans stood silent. We are those who deserve a whipping , not the Muslim women. Shame! ... ReplyReply allForward