Most Israeli Jews celebrated Israeli Independence Day (according to the Hebrew calendar) a few days ago. Meanwhile, thousands of Israel’s Arab citizens decried the “Nakba” (The Catastrophe), namely the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, with a day of protest and mourning. Many more Israeli Jews will have fun, less than two weeks from now, on Lag B’Omer. Israel’s Arab community probably will riot, protest and mourn again, on May 15th (the general calendar date), when the British Mandate was officially terminated, and the State of Israel came into being. Its also been announced that Arabs in the Gaza Strip plan to stage a general strike on Wednesday to mark Nakba Day. In a statement, the National Authority for Breaking the Siege, also called on “Palestinians” to mark the occasion by taking part in planned demonstrations in Gaza, i.e. riot at the fence. It also warned “the Israeli enemy” against “committing follies against peaceful demonstrators: - aka those trying to attack Israeli soldiers or launch incendiary balloons into Israel. That says everything... So while the Jews were happy and dancing, on Independence Day, and then will dance again, on the anniversary of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochi’s death (hundreds of thousands flock to his grave in Meron annually), the Arabs are crying this time of year over what they see as a tragedy. Happy Nakba Day! In Lod, a Jewish city with Arabs living there, several years ago over 1,500 Arabs attended a “Nakba Day” rally. MK and Balad party leader Jamal Zahalka said to them, “This is a day of mourning for the Palestinian people. Lod is a special place for us, because it is here that the massacre [?] of 1948 took place at the Great Mosque, and that is why the city has become a symbol for us. Our message is that we will never forget and never forgive for what happened. We have come here to say that the Arab population will remain in Lod forever.” (Note: The Arab population in Lod has Israeli citizenship and the same civil rights as the Jews there.) What really happened in Lod? Se v eral major attacks by Arab forces occurred in the Lod area during Israel’s War of Independence. Lod and Ramle were counter-attacked by the IDF because they were on the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem road and convoys attempting to resupply and reinforce Jerusalem had to travel through the streets of the two towns, routinely under fire. The IDF could not afford to allow Jerusalem to be cut off from the rest of the country. Yitzhak Rabin, then a commander involved in the operation, later said he agreed with Ben-Gurion’s order to expel the Arabs of Ramle and Lod. The Arabs in Lod were “armed and hostile,” Rabin said, presenting a danger, and they had to be driven away. Fighting with Arab gunmen took place, but no massacre occurred, the enemy during wartime was dealt a heavy blow. Lod is a town where till this day, the Arab population has been consistently harassing the Jewish population. See my article, “The Jewish Struggle Against Arabs in Israel.” “This is our memorial day,” National Democratic Assembly member Gabi Tanus said, in Lod at the time. “It is more important to us than the Holocaust is to the Jewish nation.” Notice that according to them, the Arabs suffered more in Israel than the Jews did during the Holocaust... Happy Nakba day! Lag B’Omer marks the end of a period of mourning, over the deaths of thousands of Rabbi Akiva’s students. Tradition tells us that 24,000 died during a plague. Rabbi Akiva was an arms smuggler during Bar Kochba’s revolt against the Roman occupation of Judea (according to Maimonides). Others, like Rav Sherira Gaon, claim the students died in the battles to liberate Judea from the Roman occupation, basically like Hesder Yeshiva guys today in the IDF. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochi (one of Rabbi Akiva’s top students), was a vocal critic of the Roman occupation, and was forced to flee for his life and hide in a cave, because he was found out. There, he and his son studied Torah night and day for 13 years, till the “secrets of creation” were revealed to him. His teachings were later written down as “The Zohar,” the Book of Splendor, a mystical commentary on the Hebrew Bible. Just as the Jews of Judea fought and gained independence from the “super-power of their time,” the Roman Empire, for 3 and a half years, Modern Israel finally gained independence, over 1,800 years later. And the Arabs? They sit and weep, as Jews did for those intervening 1,800 years. The only difference is that the Arabs are a recent settler population, who came to the Land of Israel only in the last hundred years or so, and have no real connection to this place, in spite of their weeping (and terrorism). For example, Saeb Erekat, the Secretary-General of the PLO, claimed in 2014 that he is a direct descendant of the Canaanite tribes who lived in Israel some 9,000 years ago. Yet according to Erekat’s own Facebook entry, the Erekat clan is from the northwestern Arabian Peninsula and settled in the Palestine area around 1860. See also, my article, “Who is a Palestinian Refugee.” Notice they are not mourning the loss of the 1967 territories, but of all of today's Israel. Coming up in about three weeks is Jerusalem Day. Jews the world over will celebrate the liberation of Eastern Jerusalem, with its Temple Mount and Western Wall. Hebron, Judea, Samaria, and the Golan Heights were all delivered out of the hands of the Arab occupiers and into the hands of their rightful Jewish owners. Israeli Arabs were never a happy bunch, even though they have full civil equality. But since Oslo, there has been growing “Palistinization” within their community, brought on by their involvement with Palestinian terrorists from the Palestinian Authority. Combined with their recent (since Oslo) vocal repudiation of Israeli Independence Day as their “Catastrophe;” its been proven to many Israeli Jews, what they always suspected, Many Israeli Arabs are not loyal citizens The Israel Democracy Institute’s recent study, the “2018 Democracy Index,” asked, “Does Israel have the right to be defined as the nation-state of the Jewish people?” 69.2% of Israeli Arabs, Somewhat or Strongly Disagreed. And, when the Israel Democracy Institute’s “The Peace Index of April 2017” asked, “To what extent do you feel yourself to be part of the State of Israel and its problems?” It found that 57.5% of Israeli Arabs agreed, compared to 82% of Israeli Jews. According to the Israel Democracy Institute’s “Israeli Democracy Ranking and Poll of 2010,” 53% of Israeli Jews said, the government should encourage Arabs to emigrate. Maybe Israel will one day soon, decide to solve its “Arab security and demographic problem,," not by expelling Jews from parts of their ancestral homeland (as in Gush Katif), but by encouraging the removal of “the thorns in our side,”(Numbers 33:55), the way Ben-Gurion and Rabin understood it. Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko .