The Palestinian spin doctors are slipping. They are letting the world know what Israelis and Jews have known for many years: Palestinian Arabs want to murder Jewish children. They made their intentions known not once, but twice, at the UN during the past week. Lest you think that the Palestinian Arabs actually came out and said, "We want to murder Jewish children," let me disabuse you of that notion. However, their behavior was only slightly more subtle. Earlier this week, a resolution was drafted calling for the protection of Israeli children victimized by Palestinian Arab terrorism. This particular resolution didn?t come from out of the blue; it was in response to one passed last week that called for the protection of Palestinian Arab children yet made no mention of Jewish children and babies. And unlike Palestinian Arab children, who are sometimes accidental victims, Jewish children and babies are the most frequent and deliberate target of Palestinian Arabs, in an apparent effort to continue the genocide that Hitler failed to accomplish. Therefore, in response to that decidedly one-sided resolution, Israel introduced some legislation of its own ? the first resolution it has drafted in almost 30 years. The initial draft of the resolution was rejected out of hand by the Palestinian Arab observer to the UN because it was deemed ?political and insensitive.? So Israel rewrote the resolution dropping references to "Palestinian terrorist groups," instead referring to "attacks by terrorist groups such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade directed against Israeli civilians, including children." The new draft, in an attempt at even-handedness, also closely copies the one passed last week for the protection of Palestinian children. And still the resolution was thoroughly rejected by the Palestinian Arab observer to the UN, Nadya Rasheed. She declared "The draft still shamelessly abuses the rubric `Israeli children' to achieve illegitimate political goals, for the draft is more anti-Palestinian than it is pro-Israeli children." One must wonder, if Ms. Rasheed is so concerned with a draft being pro-Israeli children, why didn?t she come up with an alternate one that does just that? Meanwhile, another Palestinian Arab observer, Nasser al-Kidwa stated earlier that the case of Palestinian children was unique because they are "deprived of every single right in the Convention on the Rights of the Child - from statehood and nationality up to the physical safety. It is not the case of any other child in the world." Apparently that man isn?t up on current events and is clueless as to his own country?s convoluted dealings with Israel. The Palestinian Arabs were offered statehood with nearly everything they wanted back in 2000 and they rejected it. They were also given the same opportunity with the Roadmap and have so far failed to work towards it. The only thing depriving Palestinian Arab children of statehood is their own people. In regards to physical safety, Israel does not put Palestinian Arab children in the way of danger. Their own parents, mosques, imams and government, unlike rational adults concerned about the welfare of their own children, encourage them to go out where the military is operating and throw rocks. These same Palestinian Arabs who profess to care so much for their children also use them as human shields, cowardly hiding among them. They also brainwash them, from the earliest age, in camps and schools, to kill themselves while trying to kill as many Israelis as possible. In actuality, the Palestinian Arab behavior towards their own children is in direct violation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In fact, according to that Convention, the Palestinian Arabs? treatment of their own children, as sanctioned by their own government, requires the removal of the children for their own safety. But that is for another editorial. Meanwhile, let?s see if that world body called the UN, whose stated goals are to promote peace, understanding and the protection of children (among other things), values the lives of Jewish babies and children as much as it does Palestinian Arabs and passes a similar resolution to the one protecting Palestinian Arab children. And if it doesn?t, then it is time to disband the UN and start anew with only those countries that view all humans as precious, not only Arabs and Muslims.