Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Company, was one of the worst modern anti-Semites in history. His hatred is summed up here : "Nineteen-nineteen was when Ford purchased the Dearborn Independent , a local newspaper/pamphlet that was published weekly. By nineteen twenty the Dearborn was almost three hundred thousand dollars in the red. To regain interest in the newspaper, The Ford Foundation has long been financing anti-Zionist groups. Ford decided to publish 'educational' pieces. The newspaper started to carry excerpts from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion , a document of dubious origins. The Protocols were actually first published in nineteen hundred and five by the secret police of czarist Russia. The document was used to take attention away from a failing government and try to turn the focus on the Jews through gross propaganda. Ritualistic killing of Christian babies to use in rituals and a plot to overthrow the 'Christian rule' present in the world were just a couple of the ideals presented by The Protocols, which was supposedly authored by learned elders of the Jewish nation. Henry Ford proceeded to publish ninety-one successive articles citing The Protocols of the Elders of Zion . Ford later condensed the Protocols and added some of his own viewpoints to produce the notorious work, The International Jew ." Ford was particularly fond of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. He was unabashedly pro-Hitler and pro-Nazi. That being the case, perhaps it is not so surprising that the main source of financing for leftist sedition and for groups seeking to undermine Israel's determination to resist and survive is the Ford Foundation. The Ford Foundation has long been financing anti-Zionist groups of leftist Jews and Israelis, tiny groups that would be invisible without the Ford megabucks being poured into them. These are groups who would otherwise be unable to get their membership lists up into three digits or to attract any bona fide Jewish support. The Ford Foundation was taken over a few years back in a leftist coup and, ever since, its funds have been used to finance the Far Left (see this expose). Ford steps in where even George Soros fears to tread. Among other things, Ford currently funds the pro-terror jihadis in the Council for American Islamic Relations. It pumps oodles of dollars into PLO advocacy groups. It has never met an anti-American far-leftist it does not wish to finance. The main Jewish anti-Zionist leftist recipient of Ford Foundation wampum is the New Israel Fund, a group devoted to promoting the political agenda of Tikkun magazine. Ford just handed it a cool $20 million, on top of lots of previous funding. Without Ford, the New Israel Fund could not afford a felafel. Some of New Israel Fund's activities are harmless political correctness and wackiness. The NIF funds Jewish homosexual groups, Jewish "pluralism" groups, Israeli environmental groups, feminist groups and so on. But it also funnels its funds into microscopic Israeli communist front organizations and "peace groups" in Israel, starting with the pro-terror MachsomWatch . The New Israel Fund reportedly is covering the legal costs for arch-murderer Marwan Barghouti. It is so anti-Israel that the UN endorses it. The New Israel Fund was in the news a few days ago when it leaped at the opportunity to sponsor an event in the United Kingdom with Haaretz ultra-Israel-hater Danny Rubinstein, so that he could spout his encephalopathic theory about how Israel is an apartheid regime. But that is only the tip of its seditious iceberg. NGO-Monitor, for instance, has a detailed report on the New Israel Fund. And NIF people are up to their keffiyas in bed with Azmi Bishara, the treasonous Israeli Knesset Member wanted for espionage. About 10 years back, the New Israel Fund managed to hornswoggle the Smithsonian Institute into letting it organize festivities to mark Israel's 50th anniversary as an independent state. And who do you think the NIF decided should represent Israel? None other than Bishara, of course. Just a typical sabra, kova tembel and all, eating felafel and sunflower seeds. The main Jewish anti-Zionist leftist recipient of Ford Foundation wampum is the New Israel Fund. Of course, Bishara is as representative of Israel as the NIF is of US Jewry. The New Israel Fund, in fact, planned to invite several others to stage one of those familiar Jewish-Arab unity events in which Jewish leftists join Arab fascists in calling for Israel to be destroyed. At the time, the valiant Americans for a Safe Israel had a word in the ear of the Smithsonian, which - once it discovered who and what the New Israel Fund actually was - canceled the taxpayer-funded jihad. The Tikkunies of the New Israel Fund then threw a tantrum and screamed about "McCarthyism" and suppression of free speech. The "New Israel" that the New Israel Fund seeks to erect is, in fact, Palestine. Its agenda differs little from that of Israel's own communist party. Among the major beneficiaries of NIF grants are the Arab Association for Human Rights , Hamoked , I'lam , Adalah , Ittijah , the Ahali Center for Community Development, the Arab Association of Human Rights, and Mossawa. Each is essentially an anti-Israel propaganda organization. It turns out bash-Israel propaganda for a variety of international organizations and is an apologist for the Hamas . Most democratic countries (including the United States) regulate the funding of domestic political groups by those outside the country. How much more so should Israel crack down on these anti-Israel kibitzers, especially when those outsiders doing the funding are seeking to harm the country and fund Israeli sedition .