Nicholson Baker and Pat Buchanan are high on the list of Osama Bin-Laden's "Favorite Infidels". They have done the impossible. They have written well-selling books proclaiming that World War II should not have been fought. Sir Winston Churchill was the real villain of the 'forties, they claim, and that World War II marked the destruction of the West. Because Britain, France and the Netherlands were bled white by the war, they could no longer hold on The Big Lie told by Pat and Nicky is the only way America and Europe will sit still for another Holocaust. to their colonies. Aw, pshaw. To digress a moment, young presidential candidate Adolf Hitler perceived a problem selling Nazism to the German people. (I wonder why.) To his rescue came Dr. Josef Goebbels. He told that much maligned and misunderstood man (if we are to accept the premises of Baker and Buchanan) that the solution was to simply tell a Big Lie (not a small one, mark you), and repeat it over and over. Well, poor Hitler didn't get the presidency. But the Nazi gains in the Reichstag and their repeated, energetic attacks on the Weimar state so weakened the Republic that, by 1933, the guy who won the presidency had to make Hitler the Chancellor - the real power in the German government. Score one for Dr. Goebbels. Well folks, believe it or not, he's back. And, as Madison Avenue would say, he's bigger and better than ever. There are even two of him: deft, dexterous (see Amazon's product page for the book) Nicky Baker and ol' arch-conservative Pat Buchanan. The Big Lie was probably just a matter of time, for two reasons. The first is that Lyndon Baines Johnson told so many little ones about Vietnam that Bill and Hillary Clinton were able to tell lots of little ones about anything and everything - even things they didn't have to. The second is that the Big Lie told by Pat and Nicky is the only way America and Europe will sit still for another Holocaust. You see, the jihadists need to stage another Holocaust to please their god. And according to the British Government, all Muslims are offended by mention of the Holocaust. That's why the British Government ordered its teachers to stop teaching the Holocaust to British children. Maybe there are three Dr. Goebbelses. Add to Baker and Buchanan the Rightly Dishonourable UK Minister of Education. Anybody else want to get on the bandwagon? Any frustrated Nazis out there itching for another shot at the Jews, the Slavs, the Catholics, the gays and the Gypsies? How about the California "Minister of Education"? You already force Jewish and Christian children to take Muslim names and pray to Allah on prayer rugs. Why not go all the way? How about the defeatists in Israel - ye who desecrate the agony of your ancestors and demean the War of Survival? There is still time to get on the Favorite Infidels List. I'm sure you'll get lavender scented gas when it's your turn. World War II was unnecessary? I suppose Hitler didn't keep conquering countries as Chamberlain kept trying to appease him. I suppose Hitler never divested a whole ethnic group of their property and civil rights, then starved and killed them in awful camps. I suppose the Japanese were never conducting genocide on the Pacific Island territories given to them by League of Nations mandate, or in China or Manchuria. I suppose all of this was never done before a shot was fired by the Aliies. There is still time to get on the Favorite Infidels List. My only beef with World War II is it caused the Imperialist countries to be inundated with Muslim refugees who are offended both by the freedoms Europeans have and by mention of the Holocaust. (The Netherlands: Dutch East Indies; France: Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria; and Britain: India and the League of Nations Mandate Territory that included present-day Israel.) That's what you get for Imperialism guys. The question is what are you going to do about it? Are you next going to give up your precious freedoms because they too are offensive to Muslims? To ol' arch-conservative Pat, deft and dexterous Nicky and the Rightly Dishonourable UK Minister of Education: may all your teeth fall out the day before Thanksgiving. I've seen saner people in mental hospitals.