A recent report claimed that the well-known NGO the New Israel Fund and 16 of its grantees provided the bulk of the testimony that resulted in the anti-Israel Goldstone Report. In light of these accusations I formally requested a public inquiry into the funding of this organization. I did so, because I have sufficient suspicions of the dubious nature of some of its funders abroad. This would not be the first time that hostile countries and groups, which yearn for Israel’s destruction, have attempted to meddle in our internal politics. However this time it’s worse than ever because the report has already done untold damage to Israel’s standing in the international community.
To my dismay, my calls for transparency in the New Israel Fund were met with outlandish backlashes against Zionist causes in Israel and claims that Jewish and Christian Zionists overseas should not be able to fund the realization of the Zionist dream in Judea, Samaria and even Jerusalem. The line must be drawn very clearly on what is pro- and anti- Israel. Such comparisons are absurd when exploring the types of organizations that the New Israel Fund has chosen to patronize.
One such example is Adalah, a group that calls for a one state solution, or in other words the termination of the Jewish State as we know it. Another NIF favorite is Machsom Watch, notorious for obstructing counter-terrorism surveillance by Israeli soldiers at security checkpoints. It must be understood that these types of organizations are
After studying the Goldstone Report myself, I publicly ripped it up on the Knesset podium. anti-Zionist and oppose even the notion of a Jewish State.
As a Zionist I will not tolerate Israelis who masquerade on behalf of foreign interests and endanger national security. The Goldstone Report was exactly this, more then 90% of its biased claims against Israel derived from groups affiliated to the New Israel Fund, more damning than
any report of its kind because it was cloaked in the fig leaf of the United Nations. Both in public and along the darker corridors of hostile parliaments worldwide, the Goldstone Report is being presented as fact, thanks largely to the tireless work of these self-hating Israelis.
What hope does the tiny Jewish State have of securing support from the international community when its very own citizens publicly tar-brush IDF soldiers as child murderers? Organizations like the New Israel Fund are at the front of the media battle against Israel. They fuel the flames of Israel hatred worldwide and make it that much easier for the governments of the world to swallow things like the noxious Goldstone Report.
After studying the Goldstone Report myself, I publicly ripped it up on the Knesset podium as my personal protest against the type of moral equivalence that puts Israeli reservists who are defending their families on the same level as the fanatic Islamist suicide bombers of Hamas.
The tiny Jewish State has the right to defend itself like any other country. It is the responsibility of the Israeli government to protect its own democracy from Trojan horses that use foreign funding to push a destructive and divisive agenda. This is not an issue of left or right wing politics but rather one of national sovereignty. As the dust around the Goldstone Report begins to subside, claims against its questionable sources have rightly surfaced. It is my duty as an elected representative of the Israeli people to blow the whistle on this antagonistic anti-Israel organization that cynically poses as a pro-Israel charity.
My question is clear, who really funds the New ANTI-Israel Fund?