In the Bint Jbeil area of southern Lebanon, Israeli paratroopers discovered a small group of sleeping Hizbullah terrorists, complete with heavy weaponry and other equipment. The Israelis woke them up and brought them to Israel.

In a separate incident, a unit of reservists captured a Hizbullah unit with rockets ready for firing. Five Hizbullah terrorists were captured in total, and between 7 and 15 were killed. Heavy fighting continues in the area, and only at 1:30 PM was it released for publication that two soldiers had been killed. One soldier was brought to an Israeli hospital with a serious head wound, and seven others were lightly wounded.

Over 110 Katyushas have been fired at various Israeli cities in the north since this morning, including Kiryat Shmonah, Tzfat, Maalot, Nahariya and more. Sirens continue to sound all over the region, sending people to their shelters and generally increasing the feelings of helplessness and uncertainty suffered by the residents for the past month.

One person in Maalot suffered "moderate" wounds and four were wounded when a building was hit, while a similar strike in the Arab village of Kasuta wounded two. Over a dozen people were treated for shock - in addition to 17 people, including five children, treated for such in one afternoon attack in Tzfat.

More than 160 Katyushas were fired on Monday, wounding 17 people. Close to 3,150 rockets have been fired at Israel since the beginning of the war four weeks ago; 75 people are still hospitalized as a result.

Four soldiers were killed on Monday in three separate battles with Hizbullah terrorists. One, 22-year-old Staff Sergeant Malko (Moshe) Ambao of Lod, was killed Monday morning in a fierce exchange of gunfire with Hizbullah terrorists. Two other soldiers - Maj. Yotam Lotan from Kibbutz Beit HaShitah and Sgt. Noam Meirson, 23, of Jerusalem - were killed in a later incident when a rocket hit their tank nearby. Still later, an anti-tank rocket hit an IDF force in the village of Debl, killing First Sgt. Philip Mosko, 21, of Maaleh Adumim and lightly wounding five soldiers.

Olmert Studies Interesting Proposal
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert briefed President Moshe Katzav on the war this morning, and then met with reporters. He said that he and the government ministers are "studying" the proposal for the Lebanese Army to take immediate control of the south of the country, in place of Hizbullah. Calling it "interesting," the Prime Minister said the practicality of the idea would have to be looked into. It is not clear how it could be guaranteed that Hizbullah terrorists would not be integrated into the Lebanese forces. Hizbullah is a member of the Lebanese government coalition.

Speaking beforehand in a special broadcast to Jewish fundraisers in the United States, Olmert said, "We will win, but we will have to pay a terrible price." A special emergency appeal is underway in the U.S. for Israel's war effort.

"Our enemies wish to kill us," Olmert told them, "in the hope that they will help actualize the Iranian president's pledge to wipe Israel off the map."