The explosive issues that arise in connection with Jewish life in Judea and Samaria have inspired the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee to create a special task force to discuss civilian issues in Judea and Samaria.

The new committee, which will oversee Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, was formed after a major hullabaloo over a building in Hevron which was purchased by Jews from a Jordanian businessman. Two years after the purchase, the Jews decided to move in and begin to renovate the structure, which they named Peace House -- leading to an outcry by Palestinian Authority Arabs and Israeli left-wing activists.

The businessman was arrested by PA authorities for selling property to a Jew, a crime which carries the death penalty in Jordan and the PA.

The Jewish owners of the building ended up in a court battle with the Defense Ministry over whether they would be allowed to live in their building. Defense Minister Amir Peretz, egged on by radical left-wing organizations, employed a rarely-used regulation stating that no one may occupy a building in Judea and Samaria without a permit from the Defense Ministry, regardless of ownership.

The issue of a Jewish presence in the ancient Jewish town of Hevron, as well as elsewhere in Judea and Samaria, is one that has created a great deal of animosity between Israelis who feel that Jews have no business moving into areas where Arabs are living, and Israelis who feel that Jews should be allowed to live anywhere they wish in the Land of Israel.

The dilemma faced by the security forces who often need to maintain security in the area while avoiding political landmines has not made life easier for anyone--soldier, police officer or civilian.

Committee members will discuss issues involving the construction and development of Jewish communities in the region, checkpoints, the security fence and will also suggest new laws to deal with civilian issues.

Kadima MK Otniel Schneller, who lives in the Samaria communy of Maaleh Michmash, will head the committee. MK Schneller is the former Secretary-General of the Council of Settlements in Judea and Samaria (the Yesha Council). An outcry was immediately raised by the left-wing Peace Now organization.

“The appointment of Schneller as the head of the committee is inappropriate and plays right into the lawbreakers’ hands,” complained Yariv Oppenheimer, head of the organization. “Tzachi HaNegbi is allowing the cat to guard the milk and legitimize illegal outposts.”

One of the first projects to be tackled this summer is the issue of security for Jewish civilians in Judea and Samaria (Yesha). The committee will review a report detailing information about each Jewish community in Yesha.

There will be a tour of Shehuda Street in Hevron, a flashpoint for dispute and occasional clashes between Jews and Arabs in the city, as well as a subsequent analysis of the findings following the tour.

Another item on the agenda is a review and analysis of the Defense Ministry’s security policy and other issues relating to the day-to-day lives of Arabs who live in Hevron and elsewhere in Yesha.

The subcommittee is also expected to discuss the separation barrier near Modi’in Illit as well as the issue of crossing points and passages.

Subcommittee members include MK Amira Dotan (Kadima), MK Tzvi Hendel (NU/NRP), MK Ran Cohen (Meretz), MK Silvan Shalom (Likud), MK Matan Vilnai (Labor), and MK Shlomo Ben-Izri (Shas).