A special report by the government's Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center shows that Great Britain continues to serve as a center for publications of Hamas incitement. The report notes that despite the terrorism the British themselves have experienced of late, they are not preventing the use of their country as a center for the dissemination of publications that include incitement and hatred towards Israel and the west, and the encouragement of suicide terrorists. The report's introduction states that the Hamas terrorist movement attributes great importance to the media, both written and electronic, as a major tool in its struggle against the West. From an article praising arch-terrorist Yichye Ayash and his attacks. Picture depicts performance of Al Aksa Hawks band with portrait of Ayash in background and blown-up Israeli bus Appeared in Filastin Al-Muslimah, Jan. 200 "The media empire of Hamas includes a satellite television station, newspapers, a radio station, internet sites in eight languages, and book publishing," the report notes. "With these tools, Hamas disseminates the message of extremist Islam and incites to violence and terrorism to a range of target audiences in the Palestinian Authority, the Islamic and western world, and to Arab/Moslem communities in the West." Although the headquarters of the Hamas media empire is found in Gaza, with guidance and help from Damascus and other Arab countries, it has a large branch in Great Britain, "which continues to be a center for the publication and dissemination of Hamas literature." Hamas sees children as a critical target audience... to imbue them with the values of extremist Islam, including violence and terrorism, from an early age. The list of Hamas publications issued in England include: The monthly"Filastin Al-Muslimah" - Hamas's major publication since 1981 both in print and on the internet. The glossy publication is rife with hatred and incitement against Israel and the West, encourages terrorism, and glorifies terrorists and terrorism planners. The book publishing house "Filastin Al-Muslimah," associated with the above publication, whose books venerate leading terrorists who perpetrate and plan suicide and other terrorist attacks. The bi-weekly internet newspaper "Al-Fatah" for children, which Hamas sees as a most important target audience. Its goal is to imbue children with the values of extremist Islam, including violence and terrorism. The Center's report explains why Hamas uses Great Britain to publish and disseminate its ideas, noting that it stems from a combination of reasons: "The British government's policy of enabling Hamas, and extremist Islamic elements in general, relatively free rein in its publications; the presence of a support base of Arab/Moslem supporters in Britain; and the technical abilities to produce high-standard publications and disseminate them internationally." Page from Al-Fatah Children's Newspaper which praises Muhmad Abu Karash who commanded firing of Kassam rockets on Israeli civilians and was killed by IDF in April, 2007 Al-Fatah, April, 2007 edition Concluding Note "As a result of terrorist attacks in Britain in recent years, some of which were thwarted and some of which were not, the government's awareness of the dangers inherent in extremist Islam has grown. However, the British authorities have not as yet taken significant steps to end the use of their country as a center for dissemination of literature of incitement. This, despite the fact that the message being issued is liable to be welcomed not only among Palestinian or other Arab/Moslem communities, but even in the Moslem community in Britain itself."