PA Arabs belonging to the Fatah terrorist group loyal to PA President Mahmoud Abbas are being trained in Russia, France, Germany and Algeria for “counter-terror” operations against Hamas. According to the New York Daily News, the PA forces are receiving covert training at a secret Russian base in Moscow in an effort to stave off a Hamas takeover of Judea and Samaria. The Fatah men are being trained by Russian commandos who fought Islamist terrorists in Chechnya. The PA force is named “al-Himaya Wal-Isnad" (defense and reinforcement) according to the report and includes 25 PA intelligence officers. The course will last for a month and will involve extensive weapons and combat training. According to the Daily News report, similar training courses are being provided in France, Germany and Algeria – with plans to send PA units to other countries for training as well. "They are getting good training over there," PA official Dr. Ibrahim Khraishi told the Daily News. Meanwhile, in Judea and Samaria, PA forces continue to receive equipment and training from the US, with General Keith Dayton continuing to oversee the program even after the American-supplied arms and equipment supplied to Fatah in Gaza was inherited by Hamas with little resistance shown by Fatah forces. Dayton even testified to Congress just a few weeks before the fall of Fatah in Gaza, saying that the PA forces his men trained had progressed significantly. Abu Yousuf, a Fatah terrorist from Abba's own Force 17 security forces, told WorldNetDaily earlier this year that while some of the weapons may be used in confrontations against Hamas, the bulk of the American arms and training would be utilized to "hit the Zionists." He also said if there is a major conflict with Israel, U.S. weapons provided to Fatah may be shared with other "Palestinian resistance organizations."