Hamas terrorists have videoed themselves amidst the ruins of the former Jewish town of Atzmona in Gush Katif, Gaza - singing, dancing and play-acting their militaristic plans against Israel. The set for most of the act is the destroyed synagogue of Atzmona. It can be seen here in its former glory. Other former houses in Atzmona appear to be part of a training ground for urban-area fighting. The video, which also contains long sections of a woman terrorist speaking in Arabic, is being circulated by Jewish sites partly as a warning of what Hamas has in mind for additional areas it hopes to take over from Israel. It was reported last year that the ruins of two large synagogues in Nvei Dekalim, the largest Gush Katif town, were being used by terror groups in Gaza as a military base from which to fire rockets at Israeli towns, and as a terrorist training base. Hamas has also found other uses for the ruins and remnants of the Jewish presence in Gush Katif. Thousands of blocks and chunks of concrete from the rubble of Ganei Tal have been used to line the walls of underground Hamas bunkers between Gaza and Egypt. In addition, the plumbing system in the Hamas fortress there is reportedly from the former Jewish town of Netzarim. The underground facility is actually a 50-kilometer network of multi-purpose, well-furnished tunnels designed to function as fortified combat positions against tanks and armored infantry. Senior IDF officers have been quoted as saying that though the Olmert government took no action to stop it when it was being built, "destroying this monster facility or putting it out of action at this point will mean heavy casualties." So reported weaponsurvey.com .