British Pro-Arab Member of Parliament George Galloway has won a libel suit that forced a non-profit Jewish radio station to close down its operations. A court awarded the outspoken legislator 15,000 pounds ($28,700) for a spoof on Jcom radio in which a character named "George Galloway" said, "Kill the Jews, kill the Jews."

The judge said the phrase is in "appalling taste" and praised MP Galloway, who once said that a suicide bomber would be justified if he blew up former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The court said Galloway "is prominent in denouncing racism and discrimination and has no anti-Semitic or racist views."

Galloway previously has stated that "the Zionist movement and the newspapers and news media…are controlled by Zionism," but he claimed that the court's statement in the libel case "has categorically crushed the slur of anti-Semitism."
Galloway previously has stated that "the Zionist movement and the newspapers and news media…are controlled by Zionism.

Jcom chairman Jeremy Silverstone said the spoof was created by an inexperienced volunteer broadcaster on the non-profit radio station.

"We have accepted that a brief defamatory statement was made on Jcom. We fully recognize the High Court's decision and hope this is the end of the matter," he said.

MP Galloway clamed that the radio station originally ignored his complaint and refused to apologize. He did not accept an explanation that was published on the station's website and sued, resulting in Jcom's turning off the microphones.