Historians and Biblical scholars say that King Solomon had a sophisticated navy which voyaged the world in exploration, looking for iron, gold and other materials to build the Holy Temple. Many shipping ports, settlements and colonies were established in places all over the Mediteranian and North African region, as well as Europe and the Americas. Did some of the 10 tribes of the Northern Kingdom escape on ships to distant lands to escape the Assyrian onslaught and subsequent exile? In an interview with Israel National Radio's Tamar Yonah, Historian Steve Collins talks about where some of these tribes may have migrated to, including the New World, long before Columbus discovered America. LISTEN NOW or DOWNLOAD How to use XML? For more radio visit IsraelNationalRadio.com Tamar Yonah is a longtime show host, activist, wife and mother from Judea and Samaria . She hosts the Tamar Yonah Show live on Israel National Radio.