The B'Tselem human rights group has opened offices in New York and Washington , its first representation in the United States . The group, which has been a constant critic of Jewish presence in Judea, Samaria and Gaza , stated that it took the step as part of the recognition "of the United States both in terms of its historic alliance with Israel and its efforts to facilitate a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." It added that it wants "to inform the political and public discourse in this country and to ensure that human rights are a centerpiece of the bilateral relationship and all diplomatic efforts." The group has issued several reports describing terrorists as civilians and blaming Israel for deaths of Arabs who were actually killed by Arab terrorists. Tamar Sternthal, director of the Israel office of CAMERA (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America ), recently pointed out in the Hebrew daily Yediot Acharonot that one B'Tselem report mentioned as a civilian the Shechem terrorist who murdered six Jews and wounded 35 others when he attacked a Bar Mitzva reception in Hadera in 2002. Israeli forces killed him before he could gun down more victims, but B'Tselem listed him as one of the "Palestinian civilians killed by Israeli security forces." One B'Tselem report included as a civilian the Shechem terrorist who murdered six Jews and wounded 35 others when he attacked a Bar Mitzva reception. It blamed the IDF for the 2007 killing of Mohammed Ali Abu al-Wafa, a boy who CAMERA said even Palestinian Authority (PA) sources admit was killed by the PA in the Hamas-Fatah terrorist militia war. B'Tselem still accuses Israel of murdering 12-year-old Muhammad al-Dura in 2000 despite conclusive evidence that proved he was shot by a stray Arab bullet in a gun battle with the IDF. The move to the U.S. follows the opening this year of the J Street lobby, heavily funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros, that is openly backing Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama and is trying to counter the pro-Zionist American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) lobby. AIPAC, the largest pro-Israel political lobby, does not endorse political candidates. The J Street lobby describes itself as "the country’s first and only pro-Israel, pro-peace political action Committee" and has attacked the McCain campaign's "dirty politics."