Columbus was a Jew named Salvador Fernando Zarco and was among those expelled from Spain in 1492, a rare triangular Kabbalistic signet indicates. Jose Rodrigues Dos Santos has authored an historical novel, Codex 632: The Secret Identity of Christopher Columbus , which relates the deciphering of a rare triangular Kabbalistic signet. The interpretation of the recent discovery of the signet claims to reveal the secret identity of Columbus. The unique triangular monogram is similar to inscriptions on gravestones in Jewish cemeteries in Spain and southern France. The interpretation of the recent discovery of the signet claims to reveal the secret identity of Columbus. It was used in the agreement between Columbus and Spanish King and Queen Ferdinand and Isabella. The Kabbalistic monogram, in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, contains two secret names: Cristobal Colon, his "nom de plume," and Salvador Fernando Zarco, Columbus's birth name, according to the author. The American Library of Congress possesses one of four original copies of the Columbus Codex. The Spanish kingdom signed the declaration to expel all Jews, stating that "we ordered that the Jews be separated from the cities and towns... and… ordered that an Inquisition be established in such domains." Columbus replied, "Your Highnesses, having driven out all the Jews from your realms and lordships... I should go to the said parts of India, and for this be accorded me great rewards and ennobled me so that from that time henceforth I might style myself and be high admiral of the Ocean Sea and perpetual Governor of the islands and continent which I should discover... from generation to generation." The only Jews who remained in Spain were those who converted to Christianity out of fear of being killed. Many of them continued to observe Jewish law clandestinely, and their descendents even today are "Marranos" (crypto-Jews) who secretly observe Jewish laws. Columbus came to the attention of the Spanish kingdom through Luis de Santange, a Jew and an accountant to the Royal Court, Rabbi Abraham Zacuto and his pupil Joseph Vecinho, a physician to Portuguese King John II. An astronomer and mathematician, Zacuto developed the "Almanac Perpetuum," which included the Tables of Navigation in Hebrew. Luis urged the Crown to approve the expedition in "an enterprise of so little risk, yet which could prove of so great service to [the Almighty]...[not] to speak of very great increase and glory for her realms and crown..." Columbus left Spain on August 3, 1492. the day after the Ninth of Av, marking the destruction of the First and Second Holy Temples. However, Columbus ordered his crew to be on board the day before, the same day that was the deadline for Jews in Spain to convert to Christianity, leave the country or face death, implying that he was secretly Jewish and wanted to identify with his brethren. Columbus carried with him Zacuto's Hebrew Table of Navigation and charts. His astronomical tables were translated into Spanish by a pupil of Zacuto, Joseph Vecinho, physician to King John II. Vecinho may have translated it for Columbus for his journey. Columbus was known to have studied the Bible and once calculated, incorrectly, the date of the destruction of the Second Temple as being in the year 68 instead of 70. Besides the Kabbalistic signet, another sign indicating he was Jewish is this use of the initials for "B'Ezrat Ha Shem," or "with G-d's help" in letters to his son Diego.