Dawn rises on the ruins of a Jewish home.
Dawn rises on the ruins of a Jewish home.Israel News Photo: (Flash 90)

IDF captains who supervised the midnight destruction of the Federman family home near the Judean twin cities of Kiryat Arba and Hevron Saturday night will face lawsuits, vowed Orit Struck of the Judea & Samaria Human Rights activist organization.


Struck said Sunday morning that the soldiers and Border Police officers who destroyed the home came in the middle of the night, without orders.


Hundreds of police officers burst into a farm owned by nationalist activist Noam Federman in the middle of the night, hours after the end of the Sabbath, prepared to destroy the home.  Click here for a detailed account by Noam's wife.


The officials, who came equipped with tractors and other equipment, claimed the farm, which is located near the Judean twin cities of Kiryat Arba-Hevron, was built illegally.


The tractors demolished the family's home, while officers arrested Federman, his wife and his children and took them away from the scene. Noam Federman remained in custody following the completion of the destruction of his home.


Destruction Linked to Deployment of PA Special Forces

Struck linked the destruction of the Federman farm to the deployment in Hevron of hundreds of armed Palestinian Authority special forces in the day.  


"The cat's out of the bag," she warned. "The deployment of PA troops in Hevron was meant to free up IDF manpower from missions involving fighting terrorism, providing security and saving lives, to missions of expelling Jews from their homes and destroying lives."


"It is terrifying what a corrupt government is capable of doing even in its death throes," Struck said.


Residents of Kiryat Arba and Hevron harshly criticized police for carrying out the destruction "like thieves in the night."


Violent Demonstrators Retaliate Against Destruction

Eyewitnesses said Jewish youths from around the region attacked police and local Arabs after the home was demolished in what they termed was an attempt to exact a price for the destruction of the Federman farm. The youths hurled rocks at the soldiers and Border Police officers who destroyed the home.


None of the government troops were injured by the stones. Five protestors were wounded by officers, however, and two required medical attention.


Several Arab cars were damaged, most with punctured tires. Youths also threw stones at Arab-owned homes. No damage to the houses was reported.