Representatives of pro-Yesha (Judea and Samaria) groups met Sunday and decided to establish an Anti-Defamation League modeled on the U.S.-based organization which combats anti-Semitism. The groups announced that the Israeli ADL will be an umbrella group that will act "to put an end to the witch hunt against the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria. The participating elements include the Legal Forum for the Land of Israel, media representatives, community councils and public figures from Yesha." Taking a page from the ADL's playbook, the group will fight against anyone who incites against the residents of Judea and Samaria, or who acts to delegitimize them, isolate them in the public discourse and cast them as pariahs. The group promises to provide "a wide legal umbrella against the inciters who make improper use of their names and titles against the public in Yesha. Among the arrows in the group's quiver will be lawsuits against inciters, constant pressure to create media fairness and cooperation with Yesha residents and their media power for greater fairness and equality.