A religious elementary school was vandalized on Sunday night. The school, Lev Simcha, in Ashdod, was painted with swastikas and derogatory terms in Russian. Vandals managed to enter the school and move from classroom to classroom, damaging property and leaving swastikas and insults on every blackboard. The insults included statements denigrating Judaism and specifically hareidi-religious Jews. "We were shocked,” Principal Rabbi Shmuel Goldberg later told Ynet . “The first thing I thought was that we had to get teachers and workers to cover over the writing before the students got here.” The attack was particularly painful because the staff had worked hard to keep the school in good condition, he said. The attack on the school was the kind of thing one sees in a country known for its anti-Semitism, Rabbi Goldberg added. “I did not think such things could happen to us here as well.” Police said the incident had been unusually serious. There have been cases in which vandals have used swastikas before, but the destruction seen in the Lev Simcha school was unprecedented in Ashdod, they explained. Police expressed determination to catch those responsible, and said they were close to arresting a group of suspects.