Pro-Israel rally in Mexico City
Pro-Israel rally in Mexico CityAvida Ben-Yosef

Nearly 1,000 people in Mexico City demonstrated over the weekend in favor of Israel and its war effort.

Supporters waved Israeli flags and carried signs reading, “Forward Israel!”, “Israel is Attacking in Self-Defense”, “12,000 rockets in 8 years is not enough? It’s plenty!” and more.

Israel’s Ambassor to Mexico, Yossi Livneh, addressed the Israel-supporters and explained the importance of Israel’s anti-terrorism campaign.

In Odessa, Ukraine, local Jews held a pro-Israel rally on the street in front of the Jewish Cultural Center. Shlomo Ben Tzvi, from the Israeli Embassy in the Ukraine, addressed the participants.

"We are with Israel" reads a sign at a rally in Odessa
Israel news photo: Yigor Stolyarov, Odessa

At the pro-Israel rally in Odessa
Israel news photo: Yigor Stolyarov, Odessa

In Houston, the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the American Jewish Committee, and Hadassah organized a rally in support of Israel this past Wednesday at Congregation Beth Yeshurun. The Consul-General of the Israel Consulate to the Southwest, Asher Yarden, was among the speakers.

Since Thursday, pro-Israel rallies have been held in London, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pa., New York City, Texas, Connecticut, and elsewhere around the world.

Back in Israel as well, pro-IDF rallies abound. Below is a picture of Ramat HaSharon municipality workers, a Tel Aviv suburb, passing out Israeli flags at a major intersection in solidarity with the IDF and civilians of southern Israel.

Passing out Israeli flags to cars in Ramat HaSharon

On the other hand, anti-Israel rallies were held over the weekend in London, where one policeman was reported injured in a scuffle, as well as in Berlin, Spain and Italy.