Muslim extremists have threatened to kill Madonna, the pop star who has expressed admiration for Israel and who professes to study Kabbalah, as well as star Britney Spears. Mohammed Abdel-Al, spokesman and senior terrorist for the Popular Resistance Committees, was recorded as threatening, "If I meet these whores, I will have the honor – I repeat, I will have the honor – to be the first one to cut [their] heads off…if they will keep spreading their satanic culture against Islam." Madonna has visited Israel several times and has visited the Western Wall (Kotel). Britain's People Magazine reported a source close to Madonna as saying, "Madonna is well known for her Kabbalah faith and support for Israel, having visited the country several times. This seems to upset extreme Muslims who forget she respects people of all faiths." She reportedly has beefed up security for herself and her family by hiring two Israeli bodyguards.