Voodoo priests in the West African country of Benin offered sacrifices and prayers to deities and deceased relatives on Saturday in an attempt to halt the war in Gaza, as well as other wars throughout Africa.

The country, which is the developer of the same voodoo which subsequently surfaced in Brazil, Haiti, Cuba, and the Americas with the introduction of slaves to the region, conducted the peace ceremony on National Voodoo Day, at a festival in Abomey.

Voodoo high priest Dah Aligbonon slaughtered a rooster, spilled its blood on the ground in honor of various gods and ancestors, and requested their help in stopping the war in Gaza, in Somalia, and in Congo.  Participants also said incantations and danced.

Voodoo priests, also consulted an oracle by casting cowry shells, a sea shell used by native people throughout the world as amulets and tools for divination.  According to the priests, the oracle said the world should embrace unity, peace, and tolerance in the coming year.

In capitals across Africa, thousands of demonstrators have protested against the Israeli war on terror in Gaza.