Israel National News Press Release Israel activism means caring about the Jewish state, and making an effort to explain or strengthen Israel's cause. For some, it is going to a demonstration, writing a letter to the editor, or the ultimate move - aliyah (immigration) to the Land of Israel. But a new form of activism is now being initiated by Israel National News which takes less effort than any of the above. In 30 seconds, a person can act for Israel and have impact on millions of internet readers. The new activist can be a high school student or a senior citizen, and he can influence others from the comfort of a computer desk. At the bottom of every Israel National News article, a "Share" icon appears. "Share" means that when you read a cool or powerful article about Israel, you can, with the simple click of a button, recommend or "digg" it to literally millions of others. How does it work? A series of sites has sprung up in which you, the internet public, can move stories to the top slots by recommending them. The most popular site of this kind of site is The more votes or "diggs" that a story gets, the higher it appears on the homepage and subsections. Another popular site of this kind is . In other words, instead of the Digg site editors choosing what stories will appear at the top, the readers determine the lead articles by digging the articles they like. Any story on the internet can be submitted to these democratic or "social book marking" sites, and millions of readers come to see what the public is recommending. "Our site stats testify to the power and effectiveness of this new type of Israel activism," says Baruch Gordon, Director of English Media at Israel National News . "If a story on our site gets many votes on or another social bookmarking service, it can suddenly snowball and bring in tens of thousands of readers," he explains. Gordon says that the "Share" feature on the bottom of each page is far more effective than handing out pamphlets. When a person feels strongly about an article on Israel, he can "shove it in the face of thousands of others" by simply taking 30 seconds to vote for or "digg" it. To be able to vote, a person must first join by submitting his or her name and email. Once registered, you can start clicking on the "Share" icon at the bottom of an Israel National News article that you like, then select Digg, and then submit or vote for that article. After you register at Digg, click on "Friends Activity" at the top of the page, and then go to "Add Friends" and then "Search for Friends." Search for IsraelActivist and add him as a friend. IsraelActivist is always checking the Israel National News site, and submitting both cool stories for youth as well as powerful stories from the day's news. This way, you will see in the Friends Activity section what stories the IsraelActivist is recommending and you can read and digg his stories to move them higher up. Once registered on Digg, just go to this link - and see the most recent stories from Israel National News that others have "dugg." You can then digg them as well. Bookmark the above link so you can frequent it and digg stories from Arutz Sheva. Note that other sites listed in the "Share" button are good venues for activism as well, especially Delicious, Linked-In, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Technorati and Newsvine. Discuss this topic on the new Israel Politics, Elections & Activism Forum .