Rockets explode (archive)
Rockets explode (archive)Flash 90

Terrorists from Hamas-controlled Gaza fired a Kassam rocket at Israel’s Negev shortly before 8:00 this morning, and another one at around 9:30 a.m. towards the Ashkelon region. Local Israeli leaders expect that because of the upcoming elections, the government will not respond.

Sderot kids look on after rocket fell next to their school.
Flash 90

The first rocket landed near one of the Kibbutzim in the Shaar HaNegev region, south of Sderot, and the second landed in an area of sand dunes.  No one was hurt and no damage was caused in either incident.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said recently that Hamas can expect a “disproportionate response” to their continued shooting – but residents of the Negev don’t expect it to happen any time soon. Alon Shuster, head of the Shaar HaNegev Regional Council, said, “We have gotten used to them taking an approach of doing nothing. I feel that the approaching elections will not advance the option of a military response.”

Sderot Mayor David Buskila, too, said, “We are now before the elections – but even after the elections, I don’t think anyone will do anything, such that in the next month, we will get hit and no one will respond.”

“Yes, I well remember Olmert’s recent threats,” Buskila said, “but unfortunately, the shooting continues – and there is no response.”

Money to Gaza
Olmert has decided, against the advice of his Foreign and Defense Ministers Livni and Barak, to transfer 175 million shekels in tax monies to Gaza.  U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton thanked Olmert for the decision, and said it would strengthen the moderate elements in Gaza. Hamas said the money would be used for salaries.