Anti-Semitism is taking subtle and not-so-subtle forms in Norway, according to a report published Sunday by blogger Bennett Epstein of the Cleveland News . Managers of a number of supermarkets in the Scandinavian country are drawing attention to the Israeli origin of oranges and other products, reported Epstein, who said the move was designed to help anti-Israeli citizens avoid them. The managers deny that anti-Semitism is a motive. Boikott Israel I, a group that has urged Norwegians to avoid Israeli oranges since the beginning of the 1990's, recently extended its boycott to all Israeli products. A number of labor unions are also refusing to handle products imported from the Jewish State. In addition, Norway’s Youth Labor Movement organized a demonstration against Israeli participants in the Eurovision Song Contest. Norway has served as a neo-Nazi niche and free zone for European anti-Semites since the 1930's, when many people supported the Nazis, even though many others opposed them. The second largest party in the country’s parliament today is an extreme right group which opposes the Jewish ritual of circumcision, among other things. Only 30 of Norway's pre-Holocaust communities remain. Most of the country's 1,500 Jews live in the nation’s capital, Oslo.