Gone are the times that American Jews try to hide their Jewish identity – at least in the world of children's dolls. Rebecca Rubin, a Jewish immigrant to the United States, is the newest in the series of historic dolls produced by the American Girl company, a subsidiary of Mattel. The 18-inch doll represents a nine-year-old girl who came from a big Russian-Jewish family in New York City in 1914. Parents can separately buy a uniquely Jewish accessory for the doll: furniture bedecked with challah (Sabbath bread) and Sabbath candles. American Girl also released six children’s books portraying Rebecca Rubin in the backdrop of issues that Jewish American immigrants faced in the early 1900s. The company consulted with both the American Jewish Historical Society and the Yeshiva University Museum. Rebecca’s parents had a hard time finding jobs that wouldn’t entail desecration of the Sabbath -- an accurate portrayal of the dismal reality faced by Jewish immigrants. Many Jews would begin new employment in those years, only to be told that if they didn’t plan to come on Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath, they shouldn’t bother to come to work on Monday morning. Children’s author Jacqueline Dembar Greene, whose own family roots originate in the Lower East Side, portrays Rebecca Rubin in the backdrop of growing up in Manhattan’s Lower East Side and facing Christmas in public school and sweatshop labor conditions. American Girl spokeswoman Susan Jevens told the Boston Globe that the company strives “to be as culturally authentic and historically accurate as possible.” In Rebecca’s case, where her religion plays an important role, the company makes sure to include that aspect in the accompanying books that it publishes. “However, our focus is always on the bigger theme, which, in Rebecca's case is the immigrant experience and the significant impact Jewish immigrants made to mainstream American culture,” Jevens stated. Wanted by the FBI Not previously known to the manufacturer, the FBI has issued a $50,000 reward for the capture of another Rebecca Rubin, a fugitive who is wanted for terrorism activities. An FBI poster says Rubin is also known as (AKA) ‘Little Missy’, and says she is “armed and dangerous and an escape risk.” The FBI said it hopes that Mattel's marketing blunder will draw attention to the fugitive with the same namesake, believed to be hiding somewhere in Canada.