Pnei Shiloh
Pnei ShilohIsrael News Photo: (Flash 90)

Government forces continued to demolish unauthorized outposts in Samaria on Thursday, after destroying the fledgling neighborhood of Maoz Esther and two structures in Migron earlier in the week. This time, the outpost targeted was Pnei Shiloh.

Pnei Shiloh was built on Wednesday near the Samaria town of Shiloh. The outpost, which consisted of a makeshift wooden structure, was built by local youths.

While security forces ripped apart the Pnei Shiloh structure, residents of Maoz Esther and supporters rebuilt their community. Maoz Esther, a small neighborhood adjacent to Kochav Hashachar, was destroyed earlier in the week, shortly after it was rebuilt following a previous demolition.

Following the latest demolition, forces cut water lines leading to the area and dismantled the electric system in an attempt to make it more difficult to rebuild. Residents were not discouraged, and on Thursday had already rebuilt the local synagogue, which they have named after Yehonadav Hirschfeld, a Kochav Hashachar teen murdered last year in a terrorist attack.

An estimated 250 people took part in efforts to rebuild the small town on Thursday. Among those present were Rabbi Dov Lior and MK Michael Ben-Ari of Ichud Leumi.

"I think [U.S. President] Obama, who thinks we can just be blown away by the wind, needs to come here and see the children present here,” Ben-Ari said. “The people of Israel have returned to their land, and we plan to hold onto it. This is our only home.”