Iran can produce a nuclear bomb within six months, according to the German Intelligence Agency (BND). “If they want to, [the Iranians] will be able to set off a uranium bomb within six months,” an agency source told the German weekly Stern . The source said that the BND has “no doubt” that Iran’s nuclear program is aimed “exclusively” at enriching uranium to produce nuclear weapons. The German agency estimates, however, that it will take Iran three years to produce suitable ballistic missiles to deliver nuclear warheads. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that Iran has enriched over 1.3 tons of uranium with 7,000 centrifuges at its Natanz plant, enough for one or two nuclear bombs. The German news agency DPA expressed caution at the report, quoting experts who said Iran would have to throw out IAEA inspectors in order to further enrich the uranium and create a nuclear device. “You cannot [make a weapon] in Natanz without the IAEA knowing about it,” a diplomat said. Another diplomatic source closely monitoring the situation in Iran said he would be “surprised” if Tehran could develop a nuclear weapon in such a short amount of time. The BND has denied the report.