Following a Supreme Court decision to tear down 11 houses in the Samaria town of Eli, including one belonging to the widow and young children of Second Lebanon War hero Roi Klein, activists are circulating a petition aimed at reversing the decree. The petition will be sent to President Shimon Peres.
The petition calls on the government to authorize the Klein family home and allow it to remain standing. The home was built within the municipal boundaries of Eli, and sits on state land, the petition notes.
Authors also noted that the Supreme Court has refrained in the past from demolishing the homes of terrorists who murdered innocent people in attacks. A soldier who gave his life to protect others should not be treated worse than a terrorist, they said.
Organizers hope to gather at least 100,000 signatures. As of Thursday evening, more than 20,000 people had signed the petition, with almost 2,000 adding their names every hour.
Signatures showed support for the Klein family pouring in from a wide variety of Israeli cities, and even from abroad. Signatories ranged in age from nine years old to 90.
The Supreme Court issued its ruling on Monday, in response to a suit brought by the organizations Peace Now and Yesh Din, both of which oppose Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria. The ruling was announced shortly before an IDF ceremony honoring Klein and recalling his sacrifice.
Roi Klein died in battle when he jumped on a grenade, saving his soldiers. He was posthumously awarded the IDF's highest award, the Medal of Valor.
To see the petition (Hebrew), click here.