IDF and police officials appeared before Members of Knesset on Thursday to discuss the arrest of MK Ben-Ari of the Ichud Leumi (National Union) in early June. Military spokesmen admitted that mistakes were made during the arrest, and explained that new procedures would be put into place in order to prevent such incidents in the future. Ben-Ari was arrested as he stood on an IDF jeep in which several Jewish youths were being detained and demanded to know why the youths had been arrested. The MK was arrested despite reminding officers several times that he has parliamentary immunity. Video: Violent arrest of Knesset member Ben Ari documented on video MKs were shown a video of Ben-Ari's behavior and the subsequent arrest. The footage aroused criticism of police among those present. MK David Rotem of Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel Our Home) said the videos showed that the IDF and police had become politicized forces. “Their entire thought process is political,” he accused. MKs Uri Ariel and Aryeh Eldad of the Ichud Leumi called on police to investigate the incident. The video proves that a statement issued shortly after the incident, in which police claimed that Ben-Ari had never been arrested, was false, said Eldad. Criticism was heard from MK Yariv Levin (Likud), MK Nissim Zeev (Shas), and MK Zevulun Orlev (Jewish Home) as well. Orlev said that while he and Ben-Ari have often publicly disagreed, he still strongly opposes the behavior exhibited by police in Yitzhar. He expressed hope that the incident would lead to positive change. Police responded by assuring the MKs that in the future, soldiers would be instructed regarding MKs' rights. “There were things that should have been done differently in the case of Ben-Ari; we find this incident dissatisfactory,” one official said. Ben-Ari was present at the hearing as well. “I have no intent of undermining the IDF or police, but they must understand that they are not above the law,” he said. “They must respect MKs who are performing their duty. "All I wanted was to know why Border Police were using force against children from Yitzhar, why they were handcuffed illegally. That's what started the whole fuss,” Ben-Ari said. MK Zeev Elkin concluded the meeting by saying that the videos showed serious foul-ups from both police and the IDF. The Knesset will ask both bodies to investigate the incident and report back with their findings, he said.