Rabbi Tovia Singer of Israel National Radio and Jeremy Gimpel, host of the hit TV show Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem , have joined forces to launch Israel’s newest Jewish television show – “ The Singer & Gimpel Show ”, broadcast live via the internet from an outdoor studio overlooking the Western Wall and the Temple Mount. Part 1 addresses the question: Why don't Jews proselytize? Email readers, please click here to view the video. The Singer & Gimpel Show has a spontaneous question and answer format, with listeners writing in and calling in with their questions, and Tovia and Jeremy providing the answers. Rabbi Singer quips: “This show is totally raw. We have no idea what people are going to say and you get our true gut reaction which is always the most powerful and authentic. Gimpel adds: “The callers' questions are so wide-ranging you never know what's hiding around the next corner. We’ve been attacked, quizzed, put on the spot, but most importantly we’ve helped so many callers who want to understand more from Torah-true Zionist Jews.” When asked how the idea came about Rabbi Singer says, “Jeremy was the visionary on this one. When I say that, I mean, he’s totally out of his mind! Only someone completely crazy could’ve thought of this.” Gimpel responds, “There are visions of the Messianic age in the Tanach (Jewish Bible) where we see nations flowing to Jerusalem to learn the ways of Hashem, and a picture of the world coming to the Jew and saying please take us with you for we know that G-d is with you. These prophecies weren’t only given to us so we would know how the story ends. They were given to us as a vision of how we should be living today. The message of the prophets is to be the change you want to see in the world, and that’s what Tovia and I are striving to do. We’re allowing the world to call in to Jerusalem with Mount Moriah before us, and to learn the truth about Israel, Judaism, and our relationship with G-d.” After the successful syndication of Tuesday Night Live in Jerusalem, the duos' eyes are already set on cable and satellite syndication. “TNL is now aired in 18 million homes across America and so far all of the signs are pointing to it being another hit TV show. The beauty of this show is that we’re not only working on TV syndication but we’re working on national radio syndication as well,” Gimpel explains. "I have amazing people from Texas to thank. They have been with me from the beginning of TNL and I know they're proud seeing where Hashem has taken us. So many people talk about helping Israel and praying for Jerusalem and here are some folks who have taken their love and support and brought it to action. I will be forever grateful to them." Both Tovia Singer and Jeremy Gimpel already have an impressive media track record, and this show is expected to be another huge step for Jewish media. The Singer & Gimpel Show is aired live every Thursday night at 11:00 p.m. Israel time at http://www.IsraelNationalRadio.com . Listeners can call in to the show at 1-800-427-488.